Chapter 11

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A/N- The twitter names I've used (apart from Liam's) in this are all made up names. If theyre actual twitter names then I have not done that purposefully, I just thought of some random ones. So the people who may own the twitter accounts are not associated with the story in any way :)


*Elle’s P.O.V*

I woke up to find myself lying in Niall’s arms, we were wrapped around each other and our bodies fitted together perfectly. I had my head resting on his chest and from how even his breathing was, I could tell he was still asleep. He had one leg over mine and both his arms around me. I looked up at his angelic face, his plump lips parted slightly, reminding me of our steamy kiss last night. His dyed blonde hair was stuck to his forehead, making him look even more adorable. I was pulled out of my admiring when there was a knock at the door.

“Elle, it’s me Perrie.” I carefully untangled myself from my boyfriend’s arms so as to not wake him and crept to the door. The girls were also still asleep. As I unlocked the door, Perrie came bounding in fully dressed and with a spare pair of clothes.

“Get changed pet, we’re off shopping for the girls and for you. Oh and you might want to ask Kelsey what happened last night after we got back to the hotel.”

“Why what happened?”

“Let’s just say they didn’t get to sleep right away” She winked and made herself comfortably on one of the chairs in the room. “Hurry up, we haven’t got all day! Preston’s coming with us and he wants to be back here by 12 so that the lads can go to their meet and greet, they’ve got it before the show today so that they can go straight back to London after the gig.”

“What time is it now? But I have no money on me and my bank cards at home!”

“It’s 9:30, oh don’t worry about that, Simon’s given Preston £1,000 for each of you, so that’s £5,000 we’ve got to spend altogether!”


“Aye, you, Effy, Kate, Jasmine and Kelsey! Duuh!”

“Oh! I can’t believe he’d do that!!”

“He’s a great guy really, just uses the hard shell persona for TV, now get ready!” I ran to the bathroom and quickly changed. As I returned from the bathroom, Preston appeared in the doorway with Kels and Jas.

“You girls ready?” He asked/

“Lemme just leave a note so they know where I’ve gone.”

“Just text Ni”

“Good idea” I whip out my phone, which thankfully still has charge and send a text:

Morning babe, gone shopping with Preston, Perrie, Jas and Kels. Didn’t want to wake you or the girls. Should be back by 12. Love you <3 – E x

As I pressed send, I grabbed a jacket, which turned out to be Niall’s black jacket he wore at the This Is Us premiere and headed out of the door, being sure to grab the room key before quietly closing it.

We had fun walking through the city centre and splashing the cash, I’ve never had so much money to spend before! I feel bad for spending all of it, I mean, it’s only for clothes for today isn’t it? I made sure to only buy some cheap clothes and then I thought I would treat Ni and bought him a snapback. Once we had our clothes, Perrie also made us buy some Little Mix makeup which we had to laugh at, we headed back to the car, not many people stopped Perrie either which was nice as it meant we could get back quicker. My phone vibrated, I pulled it out and saw a text from an unknown number.

When Your Heart is Set (Niall Horan/One Direction Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now