Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

*Effy’s P.O.V*

I can’t believe it! Why did he take Elle? What would he need her for? Doesn’t he know that we need her? Well okay, I can take care of myself and Kate but we need Elle to help us! Kate’s still crying, she’s petrified, so am I, but I’m trying to be strong for my little sister. I’m so proud of her though! She tried her best to help!


I met Elle at the gates of Kate’s primary school as it was only a block away from my school and it meant she didn’t have to make a detour. She was already waiting for me as I said goodbye to my friends. People still keep trying to get Niall’s number from me, luckily I have a password on my phone now so they can’t get it. As I turned to face Elle, she gave me a hug and we chatted about what to have for tea as we still had 15 minutes until Kate finished. I had my back to the gates so the first I knew of Kate’s arrival was when she hugged me from behind.

“Hey little miss” I spun around and picked her up, even though she’s nearly as tall as me but I managed it! Since Niall and Elle got together, the three of us have become closer and we’re more like a family in a family. We seem to get on more now which I’m glad of. Someone that Elle knew was picking up someone so they were talking for a while as me and Kate were conversing about our days at school and what films we wanted to watch tonight. Elle was letting us stay up late as mam wasn’t there and all the girls were coming around. Before she met Niall, she was strict with bed times and stuff but she’s much more relaxed now and it’s great.

“HEY, GET OFF HER!” Elle’s friend yelled, we spun around to see a guy wearing a balaclava grabbing hold of my older sister. I was frozen to the spot, not knowing what to do while Elle’s friend tried to pull her free. Next thing I know, Kate’s stood by the guy and punches him in the stomach.

“Oomph, what the fuck do ya think you’re doing you stupid girl.” He yells and pushes her away, I unfreeze and run forward to stop her from hitting the ground.

“Get off my sister!” I yell.

“Not until we get what we want!” I recognise that voice. No it can’t be? I thought he was dead! I start to panic and as other parents come over to try and help, he throws my older sister over his shoulder and runs off. I want to follow but Kate is in pieces and she needs me.

End of Flashback

Jas arrives and I tell her the story, minutes after she arrived, the police appear. I retell them the story and straight away, they’re off again. One stays with us and takes us back to Jas’ house then leaves again.

“We have to find her Jas!” Kate cries.

“Ssh, we will do! She’ll be okay! You know Elle, she’s tough and will probably be back here before the police can even think of where they’ve taken her.” Jas tries to reassure her but I know that she’s not convinced herself.

*Jasmine’s P.O.V*

I can’t believe this! Why can’t their family get a break! I listened in as Effy told the police everything she knew and that she thinks she knows who it was. Niall’s going to be devastated. By the time we calmed Kate down, she was really brave by the sounds of it, I realised that Perrie and Eleanor were supposed to be arriving at Elle’s, once I rang them and explained, they ran round to mine and I called Kelsey who managed to get off work early to come over.

“You need to tell Niall!” Eleanor pants, still out of breath from sprinting the 5 blocks between the 2 houses.

“We can’t, not yet, he’ll be going on stage any minute now Ring him after the show and when Effy and Kate are in bed so they don’t have to listen to it all again.” Perrie reasons, I can see where both are coming from. I really don’t want to tell him though, I know it will break his heart.


Once I put the girls to bed, needing a lot of help to get Kate to settle down as she was still shook up, Effy said she’d sleep with her to keep an eye on her, I collapsed on the sofa where I was aware of 3 pairs of eyes watching me.

“So… Are you going to call him?” Eleanor asks, raising her eyebrow as if she already knew my answer.

“I-I can’t. It’ll break his heart!”

“It’ll hurt him more once he finds out if you don’t tell him!” I sigh, knowing that she’s right. Just as I was about to dial Niall’s number, Harry’s picture appeared on my phone signalling that he was calling me.

*Elle’s P.O.V*

Where am I? Why does my head hurt? What happened? I strain my eyes and find I’m in a dark room, it must be a basement or something because it’s so cold. Suddenly everything came back to me, being at the school, someone grabbing me, Kate hitting them. Kate! Effy! Where are they? After Kate hit him and I started struggling, everything blacked out. I try to move but I feel like I’m chained up. After what feels like forever, I hear the door creak open and see a bit of light.

“Hello again Elle. Have you missed me?”


Uh-oh, who has Elle and what does he want? How will Niall react?

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