Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

*Elle’s P.O.V*

I woke up tangled in Niall’s arms in his tiny bunk, my head was resting on his chest and both his arms were protectively placed around me. His breathing was even so I could tell that he was still asleep, I gently moved my head so I could look up at his beautiful face. I still have no idea how I ended up with such a handsome God as my boyfriend. I keep asking myself what I did right to end up with him and have to keep pinching myself to see if it’s real. His plump lips were slightly parted and making me want to kiss him awake but he looked so peaceful I didn’t want to disturb him. Even when we were cuddled up watching films last night, he was angry at how the fans reacted to me. I’ll have to get used to it as I doubt it will stop even though Niall’s said for them too. Being a fan beforehand, I knew how the girls felt when their favourite got a new girlfriend and it wasn’t me, it’s just jealousy and I will admit I wasn’t keen on Sophia or Eleanor before. Well I hate Sophia now after what she did but meting Eleanor, I’ve come to realise that she’s just a normal girl and a really nice one at that! So the basis for them hating me is that they’re jealous and don’t know me, so their point is invalid and why worry about it? I’ve always dealt with people who hate me and they’ve never bothered me before so why should they now?

“Morning babe,” ugh that morning voice! His Irish accent thicker and deeper than usual. It’s so sexy! I’m brought out of my thoughts by a pair of lips meeting mine. I pull away.

“Ew, morning breath!” I cringe as I playfully slap him away.

“But babe...” He pouts as I untangle myself to head towards the bathroom to clean my teeth and shower.

When I return, Niall’s still led in bed pouting, he sees me appear and rolls over so that his back is facing me.

“Niall baby,”

“Go away.” I can hear a smirk in his voice so decide to play along. I climb into the bunk and wrap my arms around his stomach. He doesn’t turn to face me so I place open mouthed kisses down the side of his jaw and to his neck, satisfied as I gained a quiet moan, telling me I found his sweet spot. Carefully nipping and sucking on the spot right where his jaw meets his collarbone, earning another moan as I swipe my tongue over the same spot. As I start to place more open mouthed kisses down his neck and arm, I move my left hand up his left leg, towards his crotch. He lets out another moan as I start to palm his growing erection through his boxers. Satisfied that I’d left him with a big enough problem, I climb out of the bunk and head towards the couches and the TV.

*Niall’s P.OV*

“GOD DAMMIT ELLE!” I yell. I can’t believe she would do that! I now have a little problem to deal with and we’re nearly at the O2 arena. I hear her giggle, she’s going to pay for this later! I creep off towards the bathroom to relieve my little problem.

“Niall, where are you?”

“I’m just finished in the shower Li!”

“Well hurry up, we’re here! Everyone else has gone inside! We need to do sound check in 10 minutes!”

“Okay I’ll be there in 2!”


Wow! That was amazing! We’ve just finished the last of our 6 shows at the O2. Tomorrow we head off to Paris to start the European leg of the tour. We don’t have to leave until 11 though so it means that we can go back to our flats and chill. Elle and her sisters are coming back to mine. This is the last time we get to spend with us all together for a while as her sisters have to go back to school and Elle has university. I really don’t want any of them to go back, I know they’re safe with me.

Me and Elle are cuddled up on the loveseat in my flat, the girls are in the spare room sleeping so we have some time to ourselves. We’re watching Lion King which is Elle’s favourite film and getting to know each other more. We’re quite similar in that we both love sports and music and have a similar sense of humour. I’m really going to miss this, just being able to hold her in my arms whenever I want to and to be able to kiss her and protect her, but at the same time I want her to carry on with her education. I was pulled out of my thoughts when her phone rang. I saw her expression change to one of worry as she headed towards the kitchen to answer it.

*Elle’s P.OV*

I was enjoying watching Lion King with Nialler, though I don’t know what he was thinking about, he kept staring into space. I was about to ask him when my phone rang, I looked at the caller ID and saw it was my mum. Oh great! What does she want? I stood up and walked into the kitchen before answering, I could see Niall watching me.

“Hi Mum”

“Elle where are you? Where are your sisters? You were supposed to watch them!”

“Mum I’m in London and they’re with me, we’re”

“WHY THE HELL ARE YOU IN LONDON?!?!” She cut me off.

“We’re with my boyfriend, I took the girls to come see One Direction perform okay, although why do you care now? You don’t seem to care normally when you go swanning off on DADS business trips.”

“DON’T YOU DARE TALK TO ME LIKE THAT! YOU BETTER GET BACK HERE TOMORROW!” With that she hung up. She never cares about us so why is she starting to now? I put my phone back in my pocket and returned back to the living room where Niall was looking at me with a concerned expression.

“My mums an absolute prick! She had a go at me because me or the girls weren’t in the house and that we were here. I don’t know why she suddenly cares.” I sigh as I sit back on the loveseat.

“It’ll be okay baby.” He replies as he pulls me in for a kiss.


The next morning it was time for us to leave. I was getting the train back with Effy, Kate and Jas. Kelsey decided she was going to go on to Paris, both Jas and I wanted to go too but we had university whereas Kelsey didn’t. I hated saying goodbye to Niall. Even though we’ve only been together for a week and a couple of days, it feels as if we’ve become inseparable because of all the time we’ve spent together. He couldn’t come to the station with us as he had to fly to Paris so we said goodbye at his flat. I could hear Jas crying, she’s also grown really attached to harry but both of us will be flying out Friday to Barcelona to see them.

“Text me when you get back babe and I’ll facetime you when we land okay?” I nod as I’m pulled into a tight hug by my Irishman. I really don’t want to go back but I have to. This is going to be a long week away from Niall and all the lads. The tears that have been pooling start to escape and race down my cheeks. Niall releases me and gently cups my face with his one hand and uses the other to wipe my tears. “Stay safe okay babe? If anything happens, call me or Simon immediately and we’ll sort it okay? I. Love. You. So. Much. Elle!” He says the last sentence in between kisses.

“I love you too. I’m going to miss you.”

“I’ll miss you too.”

“Sorry to break up the goodbyes but Elle, we have to go.” Preston says with a sorrowful expression. I nod and turn back to my boyfriend, giving him a quick peck on the lips before turning on my heel and walking out of the door to where the car was waiting for us.

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