theres something wrong with me *one direction*

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I was walking down the halls of school yet again, I felt the eyes of the people staring and judging  digging in me like daggers.

I didn't need to look, I felt it. I tryed my best to ignore it but then names started.

slut, whore, lesbian, fat, ugly, go die

that last hit hard, but then again so do punches,

  thank god harry wasnt in today. he was in isolation because he threw a chair at a teachet.

I walked into my last class of the day and sat down on a table at the back of the class then procided to coppy the board.

after a while of the class I found my fingers drawing swirls all over the back of my sheet,

beautiful patterns along the rim of the paper. 

the bell goes. finally I think as I place my bad over my shoulder and walk home, I take the long way round because well I love the view of the mountains across the strean I walk by.

a/n hi. I know its bad but it will get better. so please stay with me xxxxx

theres something wrong with me *one direction*Where stories live. Discover now