Chapter 10

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???:Who is this
Me:Adeline who is this
???;Galina... wheres joe?
Me:hes sleeping
Galina:You must be his girlfriend am i correct
Me:Yes how do you know this
Galina:im his ex wife
Galina:Just know while joes with you hes gonna be thinking about me ok homewrecker
Me:excuse me?
Galina:You heard me
Me:I am not a homewrecker your the one that cheated on him
Galina:How does he know you from a strip club im guessing
Me:Jail which means keep talking to me and I'll do something i certainly wont regret
Galina:Is that a threat
Me: a promise pull up and see honey
Galina:Ok watch me
Then she hung up i innocently sat the phone back on the bed next to him i took off my boots and layed on the opposite side of the bed until a huge arm wrapped arm me dragging me to the center of the bed i looked up to see i was wrapped in joes arms i giggled laying back down
2 hours later
I woke up to a banging on the door i looked at joe who was getting up i followed him downstairs to the front door he opened it to see someone woman at the door yelling she pushed past him walking towards me pushing me joe grabbed her
Joe:Galina what the hell
Galina:You have the goddamn nerve fucking homewrecker
Me:Right im the homewrecker ok
Galina pushed me again i slapped her then joe grabbed me not letting me go
Galina:No let her go i want this bitch to hit me again
Joe:Galina leave now
Galina then threw her bottle of water at me i pushed past joe and started beating her
Joe:Adeline stop!!!
I let her go tears ran down my face
Galina:Tell her joe how much of a homewrecker she is and that your playing her
I looked at joe in disbelief
Joe:Adeline dont listen to her
Galina:Then why were you trying to fix things with me this morning
Joe:i wasnt!!
Galina:He told me he loved me and everything
Then i stormed off
Galina:Yea leave fucking rat
At times like this i wish i was still in prison then my arm was pulled and joe pulled me into his arms i tried to pull away his grip was too strong 
I looked up at him
Me:I thought you were better than that joe
Joe:I am dont listen to her shes deadass lying she tried to fix things between us this morning and i told her i have a girlfriend i wouldnt do that to you i really like you Adeline you could even say that im in love with you
Me and joe hugged then he kissed my lips i kissed back turning the kiss into a make out session then we pulled away
Joe:Well now that you met galina our relationship can start i  giggled
I walked into joes room to see him playing a game
Me:Is that a Ps4
Me:What games do you have
Joe pointed at a box with all the call of duty games all the grand theft auto games and more
Me:No way you have call of duty black ops 3
Joe; play?
Me:Yes are you kidding i love video games ive set most of the highscores for call of duty and ive finished all the granf theft autos although the new one was kinda tricky
I looked at joe who was looking at me wide eyed
Joe:Where have you been all my life
I giggled
Joe:Your player 1 im player 2
Joe handed me the controller i sat on the floor the game started we played i was 20 kills in front of joe then he lost i smirked
I got on the bed beside him we played i was 1 kill in front of him then he snatched my controller i pushed him off the bed snatching it then i dived on top of him throwing his across the room then crawling to it he grabbed my foot dragging me towards him i giggled kicking him away then grabbing his controller sitting on it i was about to beat his highscore until joe touched me down there threw my leggings i squealed joe chuckled grabbing his controller i moved in front of the tv so he couldnt see he pulled me onto his lap he had now caught up to almost as many kills as i did he snatched my remote putting it in his shorts
He chuckled i grabbed it by the time i turned around joe had shot me
Me:you piece of ass
Joe:i won
Then there was a knock on the door
Me:i got it
Joe;Winners answer the door
Me and joe looked at each other then raced downstairs pushing each other i almost got to the door Joe threw me on the couch i giggled he opened the door twin women walked in along with a man with short brown hair and a man with long black hair they looked at me i sat up
Joe:Guys this is my girlfriend Adeline
???:wait your the girl that killed your brother
Me:i didnt kill him he had a mental difficentcy and killed hisself
???;what i was just saying i didn't know
Me;Its fine
I got up walking to the stairs until...
Joe;babe i want you to meet some of my friends i looked at him then sat on the bottom step
???:Hi im brie your really pretty
Me:Thanks but im not that pretty
The other twin looked at me
???:you are really pretty sorry we got of a the wrong foot im Nikki
Me:nice to meet you two
Joe:This is Jon and thats colby
They waved i waved back
Joe:bellas what do you have going on tomorrow
Nikki;Nothing nothing
Joe:I want you two to take adeline dress shopping for our date tomorrow night
Fuck i forgot about that i looked up the bellas happily squealed
Brie:Of course we will
Nikki:Be ready tomorrow at 11
Joe:She will
I looked at joe and sighed joe talked to his friends while the bellas talked to each other no disrespect to Joe but i can't make friends as fast as he does i was deep thought when i noticed joe staring at me while his friends where talking
1 hour later
Joes friends just left joe shut the door
Joe:Why wouldnt you talk to the bellas
Me:They werent talking to me
Joe sighed
Joe:You dont make friends fast do you

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