Its Not A Date

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I wake up and get ready for school making sure I shower. I look at my neck in the mirror seeing purple bruises. I put on a pair of black joggers, a crop top and some white vans. After getting fully dressed I put some concealer to cover my bruises and then go and make a bowl of cereal. While eating I scroll through my Instagram feed, in mid scroll someone knocks on the door. "Coming!!" I yell. I open the door and lord and behold it was Josh. I slam the door in his face, the nerve of him showing up here. He knocks again this time not waiting for me to answer and just walks in with a smile on his face. "Me and you Sasha tonight." I look at him as if he has six heads and say " Umm let me stop you right there because tonight I will be home in my comfy pjs binge watching  Stranger Things ."  He rolls his eyes " That sounds cute and all but your going on a date with me tonight and I'll be picking you up at 8'oclock so be ready". I roll my eyes "I'm not going anywhere with you" He takes a seat in the kitchen. "Sasha stop being a sour puss you started it last night were even ." I finish up my cereal putting my bowl in the sink and laugh. "Even!! You nearly starngled me Josh." He gets up picking up my backpack sitting behind me and says , "Okay I might have went to far and im sorry." his face was so genuine I couldnt help but forgive him. "Its not a date" I say . I see him smirking "C'mon I'm taking you to school and it is a date." And with that I follow behind him and we head to school.

School was uneventful as usual, I swear it seems so pointless, no one and I do mean no one uses anything from highschool in the real world. As I walk out of english Josh walks up beside me and holds my hand, I feel sparks spread throughout my entire body. I look over at him and his eyes are wider than usual. I wonder if he felt them too. As we're walking to the cafeteria the queen bitch Jessica steps right in front of us. " What the hell do you think your doing with my mate Sasha". I look over at josh asking him with my eyes if he's going to put this crazy bitch in her place or do I have to. Josh rolls his eyes "Jessica I'm not your mate we were just dating and we broke up remember". She pouts her bottom lip rubbing his chest seductively "But Joshy you know I didn't mean it when I said I wanted to break up I was just kidding baby your my mate we belong together". Pushing her hand off his chest he growls " Well I wasn't we're done and stop calling me your mate, if I was your mate Jessica I would reject you". He grabs my hand and pulls me to continue walking and as I pass Jessica she whispers in my ear with so much venom" Watch your back bitch". Those words sent chills through my spine.

After school Josh drops me off at my house so I can get ready for our "date". I call  Natalia so she can come over and help me get ready, after the 5th ring she picks" Hey best friend in the whole wide world". Natalia burst out laughing " So what do you need Sasha". I roll my eyes fiening hurt "What makes you think I want something. I just wanna see how my bestfriend is doing." I hear moving in the background and then she finally speaks "Well in that case im fine...If thats all you wanted then I guess I'll just hang up". Panic rose in my throat I practically screamed in the phone "Wait !! No!! can you come over and help me pick a outfit out for tonight. Josh is making me go on a date with him." I could practically hear her smiling "Well why didnt you just say that.. I'll be over in five." And with that she hung up.

No later than five minutes Natalia was at my door with a whole wardrobe and makeup. Before I could even greet her she demands I spill all the gossip which is surprising since she usually knows all the gossip. So I tell her everything from start to finish and the look on her face is absolutely priceless.

After about an hour and a half of girl talk and natalia doing my hair and make up its 7:45pm and I help natalia pack up all of her stuff so she can go home. Before she leaves she looks me straight in the eyes " Call me if you need me ok, if that asshole does anything wrong I'll beat his ass". I knew she meant it too. With that she gives me one of those sisterly best friend hugs and leaves. I plop on the couch flicking through the channels and then the door bell rings. I get up and walk to the door, I can smell Josh before I even open the door. My wolf is begging to see him so I open the door and I'm practically drooling at the sight of him and I catch him staring at me the same. And before I know what im doing I throw myself in his arms hugging him as if I haven't seen him for years.

This chapter is long over due. I'm on winter break from college but in January I'll have to take one class for an exam. Thanks for your patience my lil bunnies 🐰💘 (972 words)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2022 ⏰

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