Chapter 1 - Betrayal.

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Ash had just arrived in Pallet Town after the Kalos league. He was proud of himself, he had beaten all of the other strong trainers and came second in the league, Alain only just managing to beat him.

On top of that he now had a new power he could control, new pokemon to train and new friends he had made. All in all he thought he had done pretty well in the Kalos region. He had said goodbye to all of his Kalos friends before coming here, Bonnie and Clemont heading back home to their gym, Alain going on his own journey and Serena going to Hoenn for her contests. Serena had given Ash a kiss before she left and he was left speechless, he did not feel like that towards her but she did it so fast that he was not able to stop her. He loved her like a sister and he had noticed that she seemed to have a crush on him, but he was never in love with her like she wanted him to be.

Ash was walking up to his house when he noticed something strange, there was more then his mother in the house. When he entered he saw all of the friends he had made on his journey's Misty, Brock, May, Max, Dawn, Iris, Cilan, Serena, Clemont and Bonnie, his mother was in the kitchen cooking things.

"What are you all doing here?" Ash asked, Pikachu showing his agreement from his partners shoulder. He was happy to see all of them again but confused as to why they were here in the first place.

"Oh we thought we could all come and see you, get to know each other as well. Why, is that not okay?" Brock said, he had always been the lead speaker.

"No it's fine, I'm just shocked that you are all here, don't get me wrong it is great to see all of you again." Ash said.

"Well Ash why don't you go and unpack, this lot can help me set up for dinner." His mother, Delia said.

"Okay mom." Ash said as he ran out of the room and up to his own room. He finished packing quickly and headed downstairs, he heard his mother and friends talking so he was quiet, he wanted to sneak up on them.

"Who wants to tell him then?" His mother asked. Ash was confused, ask who what?

"I think Brock should do it, he has known Ash longer and he is a lead speaker." Misty said, the others in the room nodding.

"Guys, don't you think his mother should do it, she has known him longer then all of us." Brock said, they were talking about him when he was not even in the room. Ash had the feeling this was going to end badly.

"I think you both should. I mean someone has to." Clemont said. Bonnie and Max looked very confused standing in one corner of the room, while everyone else had the same expression on their face, one that Ash was not able to identify.

"What are you all talking about?" Bonnie and Max asked together, they had no idea what was going on and the more they listened the more they were not liking it.

"Oh sorry kids. We are talking about Ash, he is very weak and we think he should give up the Pokemon Master thing." Delia said, with a straight face.

"You want to what now?!" The two youngest ones yelled.

Ash was shocked at what he had heard from his own mother. They thought to be weak? They wanted him to give up his dreams?

"You heard her. Ash has been doing this a long time and he has not won a single league, he is weak and because of that all of those pokemon are weak as well, that is why he is not winning anything." Brock explained.

"So we think it best for him to stop going for this Pokemon Master and settle for doing something else. Serena kissed him when they last met so they will get together soon, she wants him doing something decent when that happens." May said, she had once had a crush on Ash but that went away when she saw how weak he was, Serena had strong will for wanting to be with Ash.

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