Chapter 24 - Confrontation of Sibling's.

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A couple of hours after Max's battle with May the group was walking around the garden's, the sun was shining and their Pokémon were all in the Palace garden's relaxing so they decided to wonder the garden's outside of the Palace.

They were stopped a lot when this was going on, a lot of the tourists wanted to know more about the area as well as Ashton and his friends themselves, some of them as well as those that lived in Auran wanted some training tips from some of the strongest trainer's in the tournament. The group were only too happy to help them all.

"How did it feel going against May?" Ashton asked Max, he was a little bit out of it since his wife was still ill and no one knew what the problem was.

"It felt great, just showed her that there is no love between us anymore." Max said, he then looked to Ashton. "How is Melody?" He asked, Ashton sighed.

"She is still getting sick in the morning's and when she is around certain foods, she is now starting to some weird combinations of food's. The healers are saying there is nothing wrong with her, but she isn't improving." Ashton explained, she was fine most of the day but the rest of the day she spent with her head in a toilet.

"Well I hope she get's better, we all know she is the better half to you." Alain said with a smirk, his smirk only grew when Ashton mock glared at him and playfully hit him over the head.

"I know she is, I tell her often enough and yet she is the one insisting I am the better half of the relationship." Ashton said blushing, he was happy talking about his relationship with his friend's but it still made him blush all the same.

"I think you are like two sides of the same coin and yet you are so different." Paul said, this made everyone turn their head's to look at him in confusion.

"What do you mean by that?" Gary asked voicing the question on all of their mind's.

"Well think about it. Melody is playful and always seeing the best in people while Ash is a little more serious then that and always making sure people have good intention's before allowing them near us. They are complete opposite's to one another and yet fit so well together, they make up a whole." Paul explained, everyone had to agree with him.

"And to think the old Ash was this dense idiot who was always getting himself in trouble." Gary said, he soon groaned when Ashton lightly hit him over the head.

"That betrayal and then getting with Melody changed him into the person he should have been since the beginning." Bonnie said with a smirk, she too got a mock glare from Ashton.

"I know it sound's strange but I do have to thank for that, if they hadn't done what they did then I may not be here right now, with this life." Ashton said, he hated them with a passion but he did have to give them some thanks.

"I never thought about it that way." Max said rubbing his head.

Ashton was about to speak when a loud but angry voice beat him to it. "How dare you!?" The voice was female and sounded very angry.

The group turned around and groaned, it was May and her friends also being joined by Delia.

"Do you people seriously not get the picture? We do not like so go away." Alain groaned, he knew the whole group was getting sick of the traitor's coming to them.

"You are out of the Palace and therefore free to be approached." Brock said with a smirk, he knew he was right on this.

"While that would be normal with the other's around here, you do seem to have forgotten I am the Prince here and you can't approach me without seeking permission." Ashton said, he smirked when he saw the shock on their faces.

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