Chapter 22 - Defeating the Second Traitor.

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It had been a couple of days since Ashton defeated Misty, since there were so many people signed up to the tournament they could not have all of the battle's in one day, at most it would take 4-5 days for the final match to take place.

All of the traitors as well as Ashton and his group had made it through so far, most of those going through were actually from Auran which made those from out of the Kingdom think something off was happening. When this was addressed it was soon put to rest, the only way out of the tournament is to be defeated in a battle, and that come's down to the trainer not the people of Auran.

"I am surprised they have lasted this long, my sister has never been good with battling." Max said with a sneer, they were in the large meeting room within the Palace walls.

"Yeah, Dawn wasn't very good either when it came to battling, hardly got along in her contest's." Paul said, he grimaced when he thought about the blue haired girl.

"Serena couldn't battle well either, she used my Pikachu once in a battle and it was a disaster." Ashton said with a sneer, his Pikachu had been fine but had been injured a lot more then usual thanks to the way Serena was battling.

"Based on what you have told me about them, the only competent ones in battle's were you, Brock, Max, Clemont, Iris and Cilan. All the other's couldn't battle for their lives." Alain said, Ashton had told him a lot about the friends he once travelled with.

"So how are they doing so well, apart from Misty they are all still in the tournament?" Bonnie asked, she was shocked that her brother had lasted this long in an actual tournament.

"I don't know and there is nothing we can do about it, we just have to make sure one of us beats them all." Ashton said, he either wanted himself or one of his advisor's to beat all of the traitor's.

Bonnie wanted to take on Clemont, Max wanted to take on May, Alain wanted Serena, Paul wanted Dawn, Gary wanted to take Iris (he didn't like how she thought she was better then everyone else) and Ashton wanted to take on Brock himself. Cilan would be a free for all.

Just then Aaron and Natasha walked into the room. "Are you ready?" Aaron asked, this confused the group.

"For what?" Ashton asked, the other's around him nodding their heads.

"The new pairings are being chosen today, you don't want to miss that do you?" Natasha said with a smile.

Ashton and his group looked shocked, they hadn't even realised it was time for the new battle pairing's to be chosen. "Just give me a moment so I can get Melody, then we come and join you." Ashton said, Melody had not been feeling well lately so she had opted to stay in bed while Ashton and his group talked.

"Why isn't she out here with you lot?" Aaron asked confused, they always did thing's together and it was rare to see only part of the group.

"She hasn't been feeling well lately, she decided to go to bed and rest so she would be able to come watch the battles." Ashton said, he then left the room into his and Melody's bedroom.

When he walked into the room he had to smile, his gorgeous wife was lying on her back with one hand draped over her stomach and the other resting up near her face. He had the most beautiful woman or Pokémon in the world. He didn't want to wake her but he knew she would murder him if he made her miss the pairing announcement.

"Melody, time to wake up love." Ashton said gently shaking her, he didn't want to shake her too badly.

Melody moved but did not open her gorgeous eyes, Ashton smiled softly and leaned down pressing his lips to hers,  this was a way they both learned woke one another up easily.

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