May 1st, 1944

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A week had passed since the two lovers had gotten married and so far the day had been going wonderfully well. The sun was shining and the pair were eating breakfast with their hands intertwined over the table.

It seemed like the perfect morning until a loud knock on the door reverberated and the sound of tears from the other side of the door. Nora Allen's tears.

They ran to the door and quickly opened it and saw a terrifying sight: Nora Allen standing on their doorstep with a tear stricken face and a small telegram in her hand that she handed to them. Worriedly, Barry opened it and read it. 

Henry Allen killed in action.

Staring at the letter in grief, Barry remained silent and out of pure confusion Caitlin carefully pried the telegram out of his hands and read it for herself.

Although she had never met her father-in-law Caitlin knew how much he meant to Barry and felt his pain. Taking a deep breath, she put the telegram on the table, out of sight, and pulled Nora inside the house and made her and Barry sit down while she made some tea. She knew that it probably wouldn't help but she was willing to try anything to calm the situation down.

And while doing so, the whole situation suddenly became so much more real for her. If Henry had died, what would stop Barry from dying too?

What would stop the telegram being solemnly delivered to their door? The telegram that informed her of Barry's death. And that this telegram could definitely arrive in the near future. And it scared her beyond belief.

After a few hours, Nora left, leaving the couple alone to their worries and grief. They held each other on the couch in silence, savouring the moment while they still could.

"I'm so sorry, Barry," Caitlin whispered, closing her eyes and falling further into their embrace and pulling him closer to her for not only her own security but for his too. 

"I am too," he replied, kissing her head softly before taking a shaky breath. "I'll come back to you," he continued.

"I know," she replied unconvincingly. As hard as she tried, Caitlin couldn't convince herself of this statement. Barry had told her this so many times that she had come to believe it but after today she wasn't sure whether they could keep telling themselves this when there was no true confirmation, just a seemingly empty promise. Neither could tell the future and what the future held for them. "Listen, I don't want to regret anything and I never will. If something happens to you..." she paused to let out a shaky breath. "I want to be able to say that we loved each other with no regrets and we live the rest of our numbered days together like it was the last,"

"I want that too. But you won't lose me. I'll come right back to you and we'll grow old together and start a family and I'll go to work and when I get home I'll kiss you and we'll sit down for dinner with our kids and I'll tell them stories of how brave their daddy was-"

They both closed their eyes and got lost in the fantasy. It seemed like the perfect life and perhaps it wasn't too far away.

"-We'll read to them until they fall asleep and then I'll hold you in my arms, just like this, and tell you that I was right. That I came back to you and that I love you," he finished.

"That sounds perfect," Caitlin replied, leaning her forehead against his and staring deep into his eyes and rubbing her nose against his then leaning in for a short yet meaningful kiss.

"Then I'll kiss you and I'd watch you fall asleep in my arms and then whisper that I love you one more time then fall asleep right beside you," he added, kissing her once again while stroking her cheek. Once again reminding her of his promise to return to her no matter what.

Nothing could keep them apart and no matter what happens he'll find his way to her because she was his soulmate and nothing, not even this stupid war, could keep him from her. And soon they fell asleep in each other's arms, both dreaming of the same exact thing.

That fantasy. That world. That future. Their future.

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