June 10th, 1944

464 19 7

Caitlin woke up smiling like an idiot as she had her first day with Barry. No duties. No patients. Just him and her, together, for the whole day and many more days to come. Quickly, she dressed and ate breakfast and headed to the ward which Barry was currently sleeping in. 

As she entered, she saw him peacefully sleeping. To her, he always looked so cute and innocent asleep and while watching him her mind drifted away along with all of her problems and worries that were floating around in her brain. Quietly, she edged forward and sat on the edge of the bed beside him and grasped his hand in hers and hummed and closed her eyes in contentment.

She heard him stir and opened her eyes just in time to see as his fluttered open and a smile made it's way to his face.

"How long have you been watching me sleep?" Barry asked groggily, sitting up and pulling her closer to him.

"Hmmm, not long," Caitlin replied, snuggling comfortably into him and closing her eyes to savour the moment and to feel their problems melt away around them and be enclosed in their own bubble. "I love you," she murmured softly, letting out a small sigh of contentment.

"Me too," he teased and she faked being upset and pulled an upset expression making him laugh. "I love you too," he corrected, rolling is eyes at her then kissing her head to soothe her.

"Right you are, mister," she teased and kissed his cheek.

Hours passed by where they just light-heartedly talked and occasionally exchanged playful remarks and teases followed by passionate kisses and intimate moments in which were filled by sweet nothings and steamy flirts and jests. However, nothing could possibly come of these moments as they were in a very public area with many others nearby as well as other nurses and it would single-handedly tarnish Caitlin's good reputation at the hospital if they were caught making love which they surely would be.

Soon the sun started to set and turn the sky crimson and as the couple watched it set through the open window and the evening breeze rolled in, Caitlin realised that it was her cue to leave and retire to her own room. As it was the middle of summer, the sun did not usually set until eleven at night so everyone else in the ward was sound asleep and only the couple remained awake in the whole hospital. 

The silence was oddly romantic.

"I have to go," Caitlin murmured quietly into Barry's ear.

"You know, you could just sleep here. With me," he replied, placing a kiss on the most sensitive spot on her neck.

While letting out a low moan, she contemplated his request. It's not like she has any duties or patients to attend to so there would be no harm in staying here. Besides, she was very comfortable where she was.

"Okay, I'll just go change," she replied and tried to get up but he stopped her.

"You know you could just change here. No one's awake. No one will see you. Other than me, of course. But I don't see why that's a problem,"

"Okay," she replied and quickly undressed into her bra and underwear then snuggled into bed with her husband. "I love you," she whispered, laying down and getting comfortable. The bed was a very small one but somehow they both managed to fit in without any complications or discomfort which they both found very surprising.

"I love you too," he replied, kissing her head. "You remember when before I left we were talking about starting a family," she asked.

"What about it?"

"You haven't... changed your mind, have you?" he asked.

"Why would I?" she replied.

"Well, while I was away I met a guy called Oliver. Oliver Queen. He has two children. A son and a daughter and we became quite good friends and he always carried around a picture of him and his family wherever he went at all times and he was telling me about them and it reminded me of you. About us and our future. I realised that I want that to be our future and I know that we've talked about this before but it's been stuck in my head ever since I saw you and I didn't know if you still wanted the same because I really, really do," he explained and she nodded as he went through the story and soon understood exactly what he was asking and what he wanted.

"Of course, I want that. As soon as this wretched war is over I can get myself a job as a nurse and you can get a job and then once we've amassed enough money we can start that family that we're dreaming about. How many children do you want?" she smiled widely, thinking about this dream once again.

"Maybe three," he replied after a second to pause and think about his response.

"Yeah, I like the sound of that,"

Both their minds started to drift away to the image of them sitting in their house with a newborn baby in their arms and two other little children playing beside them. Or the two of them sitting and feeding their newborn and holding it in their arms telling it how much they loved it and how they would look after and protect it for the whole of their lives no matter what.

The image was so vivid that it almost felt real and it was unfolding right in front of their very eyes, reminding them that there was hope for the future and the world isn't as harsh and dangerous as it seemed and the world would be a better place after this war finished. Reminding them that not everyone is the world was an evil tyrant who wanted to take over the world. Innocence still existed and they were going to bring that into the world themselves.

And right now, at this precise moment, this was possibly the greatest thing to them and whatever happens they would always have each other.

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