Chapter Two

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The Doctor drank quite fast and asked if he could go get more. I didn't mind, and gestured to the kitchen door. He came in with a promising smile, like something was supposed to happen. As I took another sip of the warming liquid, the song changed again to some older songs. The Doctor seemed delighted at the noise and smiled quite a kind smile.

"So, this is the kind of music you enjoy? Older music from the 70's and stuff?" I asked, looking at him.

"I'll listen to anything, really. I kinda prefer slower things, though. The kind you dance to... Slow dance to." The Doctor corrected himself, with a smirk.

"Once you finish, feel free to look around the shop. I'll play anything you'd like me to, I promise." I treated the Doctor like an old friend, greeting him with kindness.

The Doctor nodded and I finally finished my first cup of tea. I took the cup in and set it next to the pot, going back to the room. When I opened the door, The Doctor was about to open the sliding door. I walked straight into him, and thank goodness his cup was empty! I'd hate to get scolding tea all over him. I looked up to him, he towered over me. I was only 5'4, so his height was quite towering.

He just laughed, and pulled me into what I believed was a hug. I was wrong, since he turned around to get inside the kitchen. He left the sliding door open, and I went to sit back down at my rolling chair. I had a feeling the Doctor would pick some record I'd have to dance to, which gave me butterflies at the thought. I hadn't danced since prom when I was 18, and that was 7 years ago. The man came back through the door, smiling.

"This store is in alphabetical order, right? Genre, or artist?" He asked.

"Alphabetical by genre, then you go into subcategories and they separate into artists in alphabetical order. Me and my friend Jasper spent about 2-3 months sorting all of it. We're now former friends, and I don't miss him." Me and Jasper were a complete former thing, but I wouldn't deny us being in a physical relationship at one point in time.

"I'd bet you had OCD looking out there, but then you come here and look at that desk!" He said in a joking voice. My desk really was a mess though...

"If it upsets you, feel free to clean it. I'm not too excited for cleaning it. Although, you're supposed to be finding something for us to listen to. I can come out there, and help, if you would permit me that."

"I want it to be a surprise, lovely." The Doctor was already calling me things... Odd, or was it normal for him?

* * * * *

The Doctor put the vinyl in my record player, and stood next to me. He offered his hand to me, and I took it. I wasn't sure if it was instinct or what, but I didn't care. The Doctor put his hands on my waist, and we got into the proper places to dance. I smiled, and he made sure to pull me a bit closer as we danced. He felt like an energy source, all warm and stuff. The Doctor was absolutely lovely, if I must say so. His touch resembled protection into me, something Jasper once had. I wanted to stay like this for the rest of the night, maybe forever.

* * * * *

"It's getting quite late, you know?" I said, after 3 full albums and complete conversation about the Doctor's journeys.

"What's that mean? You want me to leave, and you want to go home?" He asked, looking into my chocolate brown eyes.

"The second floor here is my home. I live here, which makes it a tad bit easier for me. Where is it you live exactly?"

"In my TARDIS. It's a few blocks down the road, I'm sure you want me to leave." He stood up and grabbed his blazer, and slipped it on.

"I suppose you don't have to leave. You can stay, if you want. It's awfully cold out." I smiled, realizing that's what's made this friendship with me and the Doctor. 'It's awfully cold.' Same thought, same day.

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