Chapter 2

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Simone's POV

He was like an angel. That had fallen from heaven and broken all his bones on the way down. 

He wasn't the most attractive person in my eyes.

I sighed and sat in the seat next to him because there were no other seats. He looked at me and smirked. 

"I had a feeling you would sit there" he told me. 

"No way! You must be fucking psychic or something!" I scoffed. 

"No need to be sarcastic now, love." he said and then chuckled.

"Don't 'love' me" I spat, with finger quotation marks when I say love.

He doesn't say anything after that. I pull out my phone and start playing Candy Crush. 

I can't get past level 89. I'm so bad at this game.

"I can help you get past that level" he says to me. I look up and see him looking at me with piercing green eyes. I look away quickly and go into defensive mode when he takes my phone off of me and starts playing the game.

"What the hell do you think you are doing?" I raise my voice at him. 

"Making you better than all of your friends" he mumbles and I try getting my phone off of him. He just holds it up higher so that I can't reach it. 

"GIVE ME THE FUCKING PHONE!" I scream at him, earning a few stares from fellow passengers. I smile sweetly at them before turning back towards him. I should really come up with a name for him. I think Curly will be OK for now.

He is a few inches away from my face, so I pull away. 

"Give me the fucking phone or I will call the police" I say through gritted teeth.

"Don't you need a phone to call the police" he remarks.

I shake my head left to right before breathing out deeply.

"Curly, oh Curly, please give me my beloved phone, Curly?" I ask him with a sweet smile.

"Better!" he smiles at me "But it's not good enough...Drama" he continues.

I laugh at his terrible nickname for me and he joins me.

I pull a straight face and turn to face him again. He is playing Candy Crush like an innocent little child.

His grin grows wider everytime he completes a level, which is like every 30 seconds. He must have invented this game or something.

The tube stops and more people get on and stand up, holding the handrail. I see a pregnant woman get on, so both Harry and I stand up so she and her toddler daughter can have a seat. She gives both of us a smile and rubs her hand down my arm in a kind gesture.

After another 5 minutes, Curly gives me my phone back.

"Thank you, Curly" I say with a smirk.

"No problem, Drama." he laughs.

I smile at him. 


The tube comes to a stop and the doors open.

"Bye Curly" I tell him

"Bye Drama" he responds.

I give a little wave and step off.

I stand and watch the tube go away. 

And that's when the butterflies kick in.

A/N Short chapter sorry! xx

London Underground (Harry Styles AU)Where stories live. Discover now