All About True Friend

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This story is dedicated to one of my followers.
As promised Sanss_12 i have published this chapie for you.
Hope you like it!
Friends play an important role in a person's life. They encourage when one is sad, they entertain when one is lonesome, and they listen when one has problems. There are varieties of friends: coworkers, social workers, schoolmates, and much more. Each type of friends is helpful in one way or the other. Coworkers could help solve problems and stress gain in the workplace. Friends from the community widen one's prospective by introducing new people from different areas.
Friends that grew up with would share the happiness and sadness one might has. However, friends that grew up with might not always be the best friends because they could faking it or been concealing some secrets. So, it is very important for one to recognize all the friends she has because good friends are hard to find.

Good friends should not be measured only base on the time spent together. With good friends, one is able to have a more meaningful life. It is very difficult to have a definition of a good friend for everyone to agree upon. Since everyone has different personalities, friends one looks for could be very different.

Nonetheless, there are some common characteristics shared among most of the definitions. The three main qualities that define a good friend are loyal, understanding, and encouraging.

Loyal is one of the main qualities one looks for when searching for friends. Trusts are gain by having trustworthy friends. At lease once in a person's life, one would encounter a friend that likes to share secrets that belong to others with his/her friends. This could be very entertaining for his/her friends, yet the person with the secret would feel irritated. With no doubts, one would not desire to have a blabbermouth person as a friend; except one wants to spread rumours around or wants to find out other people's secrets. So, it would be most comfortable to tell secrets to someone that is trustworthy.
With great efforts you may succeed in getting a true friend to make him a lifelong companion. But it is very difficult to maintain friendship. What is necessary is patience, a sense of tolerance. You may not love someone and agree with him in all respects but can certainly afford to tolerate him.

The things which form the basis of true friendship are, mutual trust and togetherness so that you forget your mutual otherness and come closer together, love from the deep hearts core, understanding and appreciation of each other's views., fellow-feeling, sympathy, broad-mindedness, service and sacrifice. It is always difficult to cultivate these virtues but for keeping up friendship in the true sense of the term, it is desirable.

Falsehood is such an attractive garb from outside that it is not always possible to know its true nature. Appearance is not always the reality. All that glitters is not gold. One cannot know the inside of somebody looking from outside.

Thus, Friendship is a divine thing on earth that is nourishing and life-giving. It lifts you above smallness, pettiness and narrow, selfish considerations to realize the true meaning of life in togetherness.

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