the move

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Deans POV

"Hey Sammy i hope u like the new house"
Sam looked at me blankly then looked at the house i could tell he was sad.

I was sad too we left some of our friends behind i wonder how charlie and chuck cope with out us

Sam looked at me grins then runs into the house and screamed "got dibs on biggest room"!

I quickly ran after him and pushed him out the way i found  a room through my stuff on the bed and locked the door i could hear sam banging on the door screaming

"Deannnnn let me innnn i want this rooooooom"

I started unpacking ignoring his whining. I suddenly heard my phone go off and i realised i dropped it......

I started looking for it "hey dean i got ur phone now let me in or ur not getting it back" i crouched down and walked over to the door then looked under the gap underneath the door. I saw my
phone and sams shoes

I didn't want to open the door but i had  to so i slowly opened it suddenly Lucifer pushed past knocking me to the ground which then i knocked Sam to the ground.

I heard this crack when Sam reached the floor i quickly got up and looked for my phone.

My phone was lying face down at the bottom of the stairs i ran down and picked it up.

My phone had a massive crack in it "SAMMY GET HERE RIGHT NOW"!!! I screamed whilst chasing him around.

Lucifer's POV

I was unpacking the car when i heard Sam scream i stopped and ran up i saw Sam trying to get the room dean was in so as soon as dean opened the door i ran in knocking him to the ground

I started packing deans bags suddenly i hear dean scream.

After dean caught Sam i went outside to grab my stuff i brought every thing in and to choose my brothers rooms since I'm the man of the house.

When i finished placing there stuff in there rooms it was about 9:00pm " DEAN SAM GET TO SLEEP NOW  U HAVE SCHOOL TOMORROW"

Dean moaned at me and slouched to his room Sam ignored me so i grabbed him by the ear and dragged him there

Let me go u slut"


Sam was trying to break free from my grip but I eventually got to his room I threw him in.






In the morning
we had bread for breakfast since that's the only thing we had packed

Sam's POV

When i got to school I got to class and I realised I was late which meant there was only one seat left which was next to a guy called Gabrielle he looks really cute.

I sit down "psssssst" someone whispers "pssssssssssssst i hear it again i look around and see Gabriel  staring at me with a bag of candy.

"Hey u look pretty gay want some candy"he says with a smirk

"What type of candy"?

"There's candy corn lollipops buttersc-

"Lollipops ooooooo gimme one"

"So what's  ur name" he whispers handing me a lollipop

"My name is Sam Winchester  nice to meet u" i said with a British accent

He started to giggle

Oh looked like I updated the first chapter

Hope u enjoyed

Ps tell me what to do for the next chapter

I will continue this story bu bye

Read my other story please its called we need to stay u should find it in my profile so go read it

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