f i f t e e n

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(justin's outfit ^ )


"Dude,"Alfredo smiles, looking around,"This is gonna be lit!"He adds, punching my arm lightly.

I laugh, punching him back,"I know dude, it's my party."

"And imagine all the hot chicks!"

"None prettier than Selena."I smile.

Fredo is the only person I told about Selena because he's my best friend, I know he won't tell anyone.

"I'm not trying to get with Selena, but..damn you got really lucky with misplacing your fingers bro."He says.

I chuckle leaning back, even though she's not mine and we aren't on good terms right now, I still get super happy about Selena.

There's just something about her.


"Attention passengers, we will be landing at Miami Airlines in five minutes, so Miley please put on your seatbelt."

Miley and I burst out laughing at the pilot.

She managed to pull some strings so we could get a private jet to Miami for the New Years party. So one of her family friends were flying us.

"You got it, man!"She laughs.

I smile as I look out the window, seeing us landing on the ground. I let out a breath of happiness once the jet comes to a full-stop.

I feel Miley's hand reach over and squeeze mine. "You excited?"She asks.

"Very,"I respond,"What time is it?"

"It's nearly seven-thirty,"She says quietly realizing that the party starts at nine.

Immediately we grab our bags and run through crowds of people to reach our driver.

Soon enough, we're blaring down the roads of Miami, our heads sticking out of the window, and our hair blowing in the wind.



"Miley we're nearly an hour late."I whine.

"No, Selena, we're fashionably late,"She smiles and grabs my hand dragging me through the door.

She leans over into my ear, confirming that my phone is charged, and once she does, she blasts off towards the bars.

I huff, realizing that she's trying to get wasted before me so that I take care of her, instead of her taking care of me.

I look around, seeing a ton of girls, but some guys too. A lot of people are dancing as lights flash around the room, no sign of Justin.

I check my phone again.


It's only been three minutes and I already regret this entire night. Who knew Miley would abandon me.

Oh wait, I did.

I sip on my Pineapple Surf smoothie that I forced Miley to let me get since I didn't want to drink right away. As I look around, I notice everyone stirring towards the stage.

The curtains rustle for a second before Justin literally blows out of the ground.

He smirks at the crowd, then quotes his remix of Foreign.

"Shout out Miami for having so many foreign babes!"He yells.

Everyone goes wild and then his music starts to play. He smirks and dances around the stage.

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