Chapter 1

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Alex Pov

     First day of school... This should be fun. Not!!! Who decided to make school start this God damn early? Well let's start this horrible day, shall we. I get out of bed and go take a shower.

    When I got finished, I pick out my clothes to start the day. I picked out my black skinny jeans with a black jacket, also some black converse with a black beanie. When I'm finished getting dressed I put on my black heart earrings with an infinity necklaces. What? School started on a Monday. It's called hell for a reason. I leave my hair in braids after checking myself in the mirror. After that I leave out of my room to meet my Bestfriend downstairs.

      "Hey Cris, ready to go to hell" I ask Cristian. He laughed "No, but let's go anyways" still chuckling to himself. Cristian was taller that me by an inch. We grew up together since our parents were friends. He's knows me better than anyone and that's vice versa. He has grayish eyes compared to my dark brown ones.

        Anyways we get settled into the car and start to head towards hell. Oops, I mean school. Bleh. Once we arrived, I step out the car and everyone stars at me. "Don't you guys have anything better to do than to stare" I yell out loud so everyone can hear me. I guess I startled a few people since they jumped a bit which I smirked too. While walking towards the doors I heard heels clicking.

        "Excuse me bitch, but I think you parked your car in my parking space, so I advise you to move it now" the Barbie with a caked face said. "Well I don't see your name on the spot so anyone can get that spot. So get the fuck out my face with your bullshit." I said. Before I had a chance to walk off, the bitch slapped me. Before I knew it, I flipped her over and pulled her arm behind her back with my knee firmly on her neck. I bent down and whispered in her ear "Do that again and you'll need an ambulance." She shook her head and got up quickly running back to her minions that clearly didn't help her. Cristian stood on the side smirking at me. "You know for your first day her at this school, you're still a badass." He chuckled shaking his head. "It's not my fault she pissed me off at early as fuck o'clock AM." I grumbled. Cris broke out into fits of laughter because of my childish behavior.

         "Let's go get your time table from the office Alex" he said after laughing at my response. Sometimes I wonder how I'm lucky to have a bestfriend like him. After getting my time table I looked at my classes.


Hmmmm.... seems fair enough I guess. After I saw my classes I showed Cristian and he told me we have almost the same classes together. So basically we are gonna have fun this entire senior year? Hell yea. We also have a locker by each other. Even the school knows you can't separate best friends huh. Cocky much? Very. Cristian and I started heading to class when I bumped into this huge ass wall and fell in my ass. "Hey, watch where you're going loser." "Well I wouldn't have to watch where I'm going if you actually paid attention you dick." "Ahhh a smartass, i like it." "Whatever dude just watch where your going and there won't be a problem." I walk off agitated since he just pissed me off. Why am I getting pissed off so much this morning? Oh well, let the horrible day begin.

           So I go to first period, it seems ok since Cris is with me. But you know how things are good one minute and then the next is bad? It just got bad. So the bitch that I kindly told me to leave me alone, note the sarcasm, she's comes in and basically yells out loud to draw a crowd and tells me.... ME.... to move out of the chair I'm in and find somewhere else to go. She certainly hasn't learned her lesson the first time around.

         "No". "Did you just say no to me slut?" "That's clearly what I said, if you have a problem with it, deal with it. Now goodbye." Clearly she couldn't tell that I was being nice at the moment. The bitch flipped me out the chair and made me land on my butt HARD. Now I'm pissed. "You know I was actually being nice" i say with a smile on my face. "But clearly you didn't get the message." Before I could even lay a figure on her the teacher walked in. "Mrs. Lane, Mrs. Dominguez I presume, please find your seats please."

           Me and Cris found two other seats as far away from the chick who I learned was Hailey before I went off.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2017 ⏰

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