On homework

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Imagine if (see, another what if) everybody just didn't do their homework, as I'm the entire student body decided one day that doing homework was pointless.

What would happen? Would the schools just let 4000 students do poorly? Would they freak out and start handing out detentions in an attempt to get students to do it? Or would they see the topic from a students point of view and get rid of the homework completely.

Now chances are this would never actually happen and if somehow it did then the local news would go crazy (announcer voice) "up next on the morning news, students at the local high school standing up against homework"

All the adults would likely argue that "in my days, we had 6 hours of homework everyday and we were fine". "Oh that's easy compared to having to work" BUT NOOOOOO.

At work, in 'the real world' you don't go to work at 8:45, stress about the upcoming vocabulary test, come home, and do more work for a few hours.  ( And I understand that working and being an adult is difficult and all but it's really not fair to degrade teenagers problems simply because 'they have it better off anyways')

I got off track again whoops. And also I'm not really sure what this was supposed to be about anyways, just a random idea that came in my head also why does my dad care if my room is clean or not literally a binder on the ground but nope not clean enough. Anyways have a good day, or night, or afternoon byeee

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