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The P.O.V. is normal and the thoughts are Lolly's, does that make sense? Probably not.. Oh well..
Deal with it >.<
Btw there is cussing.

The Spellbinding Land

The sound of an alarm clock woke up thirteen year old Lolly Kayla Anderson. As the girl woke up she slammed her finger on the dismiss button on her phone. Lazily getting up she shuffled to the bathroom across her room. She did all the normal things any normal person would do, brush her teeth, take a shower (For dem morning showerers because showerers is a thing.), get dressed, urinate, and then last but not least admire herself in the mirror. Once she did all that stuff she went down to eat breakfast, but when she traveled to the kitchen she found out her lovely mother made no breakfast for her. She decided to make a bagel for herself until she remembered they didn't have any bagels. Then a clever idea managed form in her thoughts. Aha! I'll just cook and egg, I know we have those. Opening the refrigerator she searched for an egg. Found you my pretty... "AHHHHHHHHH"

That idiot... "What do you want Lilly?" (If you don't know who Lilly is you shouldn't because this is the first time I'm introducing her to the story, she is ze sister of main character Lolly.)

"I'M LATE!" Lilly yelled almost piercing Lolly's hearing.

"And..." Lolly said grabbing the egg.

"AND THAT MEANS WE'RE BOTH LATE" Lilly yelled. Again.

"Well I'm hungry and I want to eat this egg I am currently holding in my delicate hand." Lolly said going to the stove.

"Really? Who cares about that we can eat that DELICIOUS school food." Lilly said trying to convince Lolly to go to the wretched place we all call school.

"Do you realise what you just said?" Lolly questioned.

"Nope!" Lilly yelled. Again. For the third time.

Sighing Lolly went along with it and put the egg back in the big box that helps them freeze all their edible items. As they walked out a paper airplane hit Lilly. Great now she's going to rage "WHO THE FUCK DID THAT I'M GONNA KICK THEIR ASS!" Lilly raged, "Shut the fuck up Lilly." Lolly said loud enough other people could hear. Then we got death glares from adults then we realised we lived near an elementary school.

"Great Lilly now I have to deal with more stares." Lolly whispered to her loud sister.

"Not my fault that these people can't keep their disgusting little abominations under control." Lilly spoke loudly earning whispers and even more glares from the parents of the disgusting little abominations.

"Lilly remember when you were a disgusting little abomination, oh yeah and you still are a disgusting abomination, you're just a disgusting abomination going through puberty." Lolly reminded her.

"That's offensive.. But you're like me so you're also a disgusting abomination going through puberty too! Ha!" Lilly stated and was going through a state of happiness until Lolly said..

"Oh honey.. you actually think we're the same. Sorry oh sweet child but we're nowhere near the same, unless you count our blood related relatives. I actually feel sorry for myself being related to you." Lolly said obviously upsetting Lilly.

"Wha- I-" Lilly couldn't form any words with that unuseful mouth of hers.

"What cat got your tongue?" Lolly said.

Lilly was flabbergasted at that moment until the principal of that elementary school approached them with a face that probably meant something bad. Lolly nudged Lilly and said something that upset the very fine gentleman coming up to them. "Run." Right when she said that they both started running like fucking hell. The principal just sighed and walked back to the campus of terror a.k.a. the elementary school. After running a very long time Lolly collapsed onto the sidewalk. "Now I know how we're different, come on we're almost to school." Lilly said. "Uh you mean hell?" Lolly questioned. "Uh no I mean heaven!" Lilly responded to the question all of us knew the answers to. (Just in case you don't know the correct answer is hell for a lot of people, heaven for me because I get to learn stuff.) Lilly just grabbed Lolly up from the ground and started to drag her all the way to hell, I mean heaven. Great now my outfit's going to get dirty "Hey Lilly" said literally everybody in the entire school.

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