Chapter Seven: Prison Break

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" Remember, follow me, don't go any where else, move fast cause who knows how far we have to go. If you see a guard, hide and listen. Got it?" Logan says while pacing the room nervously. 

"Yeah. Lets go." I say. I bend down and push open the loose bars to the cell next door.

When I told Logan about possibly being executed as soon as he woke up, he actually took it pretty well. When I told him it was the mayor trying to execute us he wasn't that surprised. "Well think about it. We go into a court house and start talking about being magically teleported here, we probably sound like we are either trying to cover something up or like we need mental help. This is probably some town with strict rules. It also seems like this town rarely gets visitors. o why would he want to keep us around?" He had explained. It makes sense. Now we just have to get out and not get found. 

So now we are going to follow through with the plan we made yesterday, except now instead of later at night. 

The bars fall off easy just like they did last night, though this time i caught them before they noisily clattered to the floor. I look back at Logan who gestures for me to go first. I crawl though and position myself so land gently. I do some weird balancing involving me leaning back and forth waving my arms while standing on one foot, but I don't fall or make noise. Logan lands beside me with a lot less struggle. 

 We look through the bars of this door to make sure there were no guards. Then we both slip into the dim narrow hallway. The hall actually looks a lot shorter than it did when we walked down here the night after our trial. It probably is still longer, but now I can see that there are more turns and corners. I follow Logan to the left  and around the corner. We keep walking down random paths. Then we reach some sort of stair case. We go up and find ourselves surrounded by more twisting stone brick hall ways. After walking for quite some time I realize this place was design for getting people lost. Why else would it be so much of a maze? I bet a bunch of people try to escape as soon as they find out about their execution. 

"Logan," I whisper and grab his arm. "this place is designed for getting lost we have to think smart not just wander." 

I step in front and feel along the walls with my finger tips. I also keep a sharp eye out for any sort of clue. But still we find nothing. 

"Bella!" Logan whisper yells. He gestures for me to stop and listen. That's when I hear the echoing if deep voices. Though they are too distant for words to be made out. We walk slowly towards where the voices seem to be  coming from, but is really hard to tell.

After a couple of turns in the maze like narrow halls it starts to widen out, the walls gradually become farther and farther apart and there are cells on each side like the hall where our cell was. These ones look a little more maintained, though they are just as empty as our cell had been.

The voices are somewhat in focus now. 

"Three in one day? We haven't even had any prisoners for years never mind executions!" The first voice exclaims in astonishment.

"When Mr.Saigon told me this morning, he said that they had done something extreme, but they just look like a couple of confused kids! Its a shame they have to be killed." Says the second sounding a tad familiar. Probably the guard that was talking to the mayor this morning.

"Is the mayor coming to watch personally?" Asks the first voice,

"No he has a meeting with Madame Flashiet, Mr. Phlapperhan and Young Lady Webster about how the three subjects appeared. Or something like that," Says the guard from earlier.

"Yeah well he should be watching these kids die! Watch there bodies goes limp as the life drains out of their eyes and they scream in pain and..." He stops. "I'm sorry, its just I can never forget when my daughter was in these kids shoes. Scarlet should have never been blamed!" The man sighs.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2014 ⏰

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