Chapter Four: The Ball

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Then we enter a huge open room with shiny marble floors and crystal chandeliers just like in the movies. Women wear fancy bright ball gowns and men wear pressed fitted suits. To my left is a grand staircase that leads to a wide balcony. Along the wall under the balcony there is a line of tables covered in White table cloths each embroidered with a gold pattern in the corners. One table has a punch bowl, wine, tea and coffee and  the other tables host every single food you could think of, from dinner rolls to tripple layer chocolate cakes.

I look around and realize Zerina left me. There are people everywhere. All of them are acting like Zerina. After a short while I'm tired of walking around with no one to talk to. I have just been walking around and taking in he scenery. So I just find a bench that is nearly empty other than one dude on the far end. I sit down and let my head fall in my hands. I need answers. Where am I? How did I get here? Am I dreaming? How do I get out of here? Will I ever get out of here? Am I dead? Did Brittany know what that book would do? IS my family going crazy back whereever home is? Am I on a different planet? I sigh in frustration.

"Hey are you alright?" asks the boy beside me. I snap my head up and glare at him in annoyance. I have already had enough of people for one night.

Then I realize he is dressed in normal clothing. "Where are you from?" I demand a little too harsh than intended.

"No offense but I seriously doubt you would even have a clue." He replies. I forgot that I just look like one of the many lunatics here. I hate myself for that. I would rather be dressed in my pajama pants right now.

"Try me" I insist with a smirk.

"Hamilton in Ontario in Canada. Does that ring a bell?" He blurts in a doubtful tone. It seems he has had his fair share of crazy people for one night as well.

"YES!" I whisper yell. "Some one from Earth! From Canada!!" I exclaim quite happily.

The shock on his face is evident. Then he slowly starts to smile. "You mean.."

"I'm Canadian too." I cut him off. "The names Isabella but I hate that name so, call me Bella." I say holding out my hand for him to shake. After a short moment of hesitation he accepts the shake.

"I'm Logan. Just Logan" he replies.

"So when did you get here? Wherever  here is." I ask.

"Well I was helping my local librarian clean out the library when I found a dusty stack of books pushed into a corner.It was like a strange looking trilogy. I opened one up and a blank page turned all swirly and orange and then swallowed me up. Then I was at some mansion, an old guy with a big mustache answered the door in a suit. Then he brought me here." Logan explains. " He almost seemed scared of me no clue why."

I nod my head. "Very similar stories. Except my friend Brittany brought me the book, the swirly page was a blue-green colour and I ended up at a weird house that was very colourful where a woman, Zerina, with unnaturally long eyelashes, brought me here." I point to where Zerina is pouring punch and laughing with a man who has a curly long moustache.

"Brittany was in the library with helping to! I don't know her, I just know her name. But she came over and took one of the books with her when she left. I stayed later and was in the library attic when I got sucked in." Logan looks around the room. "There!" He points to the man laughing with Zerina. "That's the man who brought me here."

"I wonder if its a coincidence that the lady who brought me here is right beside him..." I think out loud.

"The laughing one?" 

"Yeah." I reply with alight chuckle. "We should casual go get a drink while eavesdropping, want to?"

Logan shrugs. "Why not?"

We walk over to the drink table where we find a jug labeled "children's" since both of us are underage, well, we are in Canada anyways. Zerina and the man just continue laughing not saying a word. As we each pour ourselves drinks. Zerina and the man come over too us.

"Oh! I see you two have met!" Zerina chips in her poppy tone. "Mr. Phlapperhann and I were discussing how the mayor is going to decide what to do with you. And oh! Mr.Phlapperhann was just saying 'Imagine if the mayor just let them go home with no troubles or punishment, or if he accepted their stupid explanations!' Ha!" Zerina uses what I assume is her voice that she uses to mimic men, then bursts in to laughter. " And then Mr.Phlapperhann and I were disscussing what the mayors reaction will be, and then Mr.Phlapperhann and I laughed cause its all too obvios that he will be absoluteky furious." Zerina cntinues through short fis of laughter. 

It really annoys me how she repeats the mans name over and over, I really dont care about Mr.Phlapperhann, I would rather know what my own fate will be. Not to bbe selfish or anything.

I give Logan a nervous glance. I fake laugh along with Zerina and Mr.Flappesdude. Logan joins in as well masking our worry of what the mayor will do to us. And how furious he will be.

"Well we will let the mayor know you two are here, he will want to speak to you. Be good. Or else you might get a sentence." Zerina says in a strict voice, that was actually really scary, especially coming from a girl wearing pounds of dark make-up.

We both nod and go off our own way, just walking in silence. We chat about home and how our lives were, Logan seems like a good person. Much better than my "friends" back home. A few moments after loud trumpets blared, echoing around the room. The source of the sound is a band of what appears to be royal trumpeters? At the top of the grand staircase. Then a man, no older than 25 walks out with one of those smiles that are too happy. He is wearing a firmly pressed navy blue suit and green and yellow stripped tie. Obviously this was the mayor, though the youngest one I've ever seen.

Everyone waved and smiled. Then his gaze passed over us and paused, the light in his eyes died as he gave us a fast glare that sent chills through my bones and made my heart skip a beat. One of those moments where you are just 100% creeped out by someone.  There is something not right about that man, I can just tell right now. And its more than just anger issues.

Then his gave averted to Zerina and Flapper moustache dude.

But the mayor played it cool and mingled around for a good 20 minutes before pulling Zerina and Mr. Phlapperhann away from the crowds.

The mayor was ranting about something while holding up one finger as if to say one of something. Then he once again plastered on his 'charming and handsome' smile and sauntered back into the crowds and talked with some rich looking people with big fancy hats and extremely fancy apparell. 

Then Zerina grabbed both Logan and I by the arm and dragged us out the door into the now star filled sky. Her sharp nail were starting to puncture my skin. The air was crisp and cool. But not so cool for us to be able to see our breath. Just a cool summer night. We were shoved into the Nastex back seat while Zerina and Mr. Phlapperhann seated in the two front seats. Zerina's nails left red groove marks in my skin. Instead of Zerina's driver Mr. Phlapperhann drove. 

The ride was silent. We arrived at Zerina's place where we were ushered into the basement and pushed into the cellar. Then blankets and clothing were thrown down at us.

"One night. They pick you up at Dawn." She hissed. Looking at us like a bag of rotten meat, before slamming the cellar doors shut. Leaving us in the light of one small candle that would very soon burn out.


I know I know my chapters have been really sort so far! But the next one is longer! I also apologize for my writing! As I write things I have really good ideas in my head, but I end up rushing until the part I want to write so the rest sounds stupid and rushed. But I tried to got back and improve this one! so please tell me things i should work on in the up coming chapters.

Thank you so much for reading!


ps. i know this story sounds really childish, but I'm trying and it does get better! I have it planned out and peersonally i think my ideas improove as i go!

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