Chapter Three: The Metallic City

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The walls are florescent pink with yellow stripes. The brightness burns my eyes. The bright light turned to full brightness is defiantly not helping. There's a blue spiral staircase going up at least two levels.

"I'm coming dear!" squealed the voice again.

Soon I hear the clacking of heels above me. I look up to see the most peculiarly dressed woman I have ever seen.

Her hair is bleached strawberry blonde with red tips and is curled in large tubular curls falling every witch direction. She has false pink eyelashes that stretch out a good 3 centimeters. Then her lipstick is a bright blue. 

Then her out fit consists of a red feathery top with blue spikes around the collar and ends of the long sleeves. Then her leggings are blue with green fur patches resembling both a cows and leopard pattern combined. Then her green high heels  have little green springs sticking out every where! She also has dangling blue earrings. It seems as if she has a three year old as her fashion designer.

"Hello! Oh darling you look horrible! How about I help change your look, and while we do that we can talk!" The woman starts to drag me up the stairs when I begin to protest.

"Please it's fine, I'm good with what I have on." I say defensively. Even though I do feel ridicules walking around a forest wearing pajamas. But whatever this woman has in store will probably be worse. 

"Darling you look like you came from a dump! A miserable one!" She shrieks. She then grabs my by the waist and brings my up to the second level. The walls on the second level are no better than the first. The walls are pink with green bubble like spots everywhere.

I'm seated in a chair, similar to the kind you sit in at a hair stylists. so I'm leaning back slightly and the height can be adjusted. 

"So what is your name and where are you from?" asks the lady politely.

"My name is Bella, yours?" I reply.

"I'm Zerina. Now I'm sure you have heard of the big ball tonight! We must get you ready"

"I really can't go-" I start.

"Oh but you must!" Zerina exclaims.

Soon Zerina has me wearing a deep red ball gown with a sparkling pattern down one side. She styled my hair in some sort of fancy up do and added some shinny accessories. Then she ushered me into some of vehicle she called a Nastex.

It has a body in the shape of a perfect cube. Four tires obviously. And was painted a bright cyan blue. Zerina has a personal driver for herself. He is dressed somewhat normal. He wears all black except for blue eyeliner and yellow like stick. Why a man is wearing makeup I don't know, I'm not going to ask or judge though.

"Zerina?" she snaps her head in my direction giving me an intense stare.

"I'm not from here, I actually have no clue where I am! I was just reading a book and then I was falling, and then I was here!" I exclaim.

Zerina gasps covering her mouth with the palm of her hand. Her bright  blue eyes wide open and alert.

"After the ball I will send you on your way. I can't tell you anything more."

We ride in silence the rest of the way while Zerina glances at me with weird looks quite frequently. I just look out the window by my right side. I just want to go home, not matter how sucky life is back there.

Soon the Nastex enters a city with tall silver sky scrapers, and other massive buildings painted in a variety of metallic colours such as blue, red or bronze. Then we pull up to a huge golden building with an open doorway, where a man in a pressed black suit greets a women at the door.

I exit the vehicle and walk along side Zerina to the open double doors. She gives the man a curt nod and mumbles a name that sounds like Marvin. I nod as well and continue to walk down the corridor after Zerina. the walls are a soft campaign pink, a grateful change from Zerina's house decor.

The room opens up and my eyes go wide at the scene before my eyes, it's beautiful.

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