Part 4 - Confessions

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Girl of my Dreams 💜 :
Hey Seán i know it is 5am for you seeing as how it is only 6 here, but I just read your messages...
Girl of my Dreams 💜 :
Just wanted to say it means a lot to me... no guy has ever really felt that way towards me AND meant it. It's a long story.
Girl of my Dreams 💜 :
And I'm sorry but I'm still only a teenager. I do like you back... but I am only 19 still. You are 25. Wouldn't people find it odd?
Girl of my Dreams 💜 :
Maybe once we meet it will be a different story and I'll realize I like you more then I already do and I won't find it weird...
Girl of my Dreams 💜 :
I put that wrong... I don't mean weird. If people like/love each other then so be it, but... fuck I'm not good at this sorry.
Girl of my Dreams 💜 :
I got sidetracked... fuck. I'm sorry. But Seán, I'm not lying when I say I do like you in that way back, I just dont know how society would react to it let alone the fact we have not met. I'm always worried about that. And I'm really sorry.
Girl of my Dreams 💜 :
For now, good morning handsome. Hope your day goes well 💚 sorry if I don't reply for a bit. I'm not feeling really well and I'm going to go back to sleep.

5 hours later

Future Other Half 😋 :
Hey. I'm just seeing these now sorry. I woke up late
Future Other Half 😋 :
I'm not saying I expected you to date me right away. I meant I have feelings for you and I could honestly see a future. And I can wait for when you're ready :)
Future Other Half 😋 :
You and I meeting each other. Being a couple. Possibly even living together.
Future Other Half 😋 :
I also don't expect it so please don't be like weirded out.
Future Other Half 😋 :
I like you..

Girl of my Dreams 💜 :
I like you too...
Girl of my Dreams 💜 :
And I'm relieved you didn't expect anything... that's new to me

Future Other Half 😋 :
Can I question what you mean by that? Or is it personal

Girl of my Dreams 💜 :
Let me type for a few mins?

Future Other Half 😋 :
By all means. If you're okay talking

Girl of my Dreams 💜 is typing

Girl of my Dreams 💜 :
Well. I've only ever had 2 boyfriends. The first was back in grade 8. His name was Mackenzie. We met in Math class then realized we were in almost all of the same classes. We got really close and I thought he really liked me. He asked me out so I said yes obviously. We dated for almost a full year. He took my everything. First kiss, first... time. He was also my first heartbreak. On our 1 year anniversary, he told me to come over cuz he had a surprise. I went and his mom opened the door and looked at me confused. She thought he broke up with me. When I went and knocked on his bedroom door, I heard a girl giggle. When he opened it, I saw my best friend sitting there with a hickey forming on her neck. He said he was done with me and she tasted sweeter. He broke me and I went home crying. We haven't talked since.
Then in grade 11, I met this perfect boy named Brandon. Man was he pretty. He had blonde hair and these green eyes that mesmerized anyone. I of course, was lost with them. We dated for a few months before I realized him changing a bit. He said he loved me less, he talked to me less, he seemed more pale and thin. I asked him if he was okay and he hit me. One slap on the cheek. You think that would have been my sign to leave. But no. He apologized and I stupidly forgave him. I found out he was doing drugs. A lot of them. When we broke up he said the only reason we dated was so that he had an excuse to leave the house without his dad questioning to go and smoke some more pot....
Girl of my Dreams 💜 :
I've been used, cheated on, abused by both, and never really loved. That's why you saying those things shocked me.

Future Other Half 😋 is typing

Future Other Half 😋 :
I'm so utterly sorry those guys did that to you, Signe. If I could take that pain away I would for sure, but this is what I can do. I can tell you how much of a dick they are, but instead I'm going to say this and be honest
Future Other Half 😋 :
If they had the fucking nerve to do that to you, they aren't worth your heart and don't DESERVE your love. You need someone to treat you like their queen and show you all the magical stuff this world has to offer.
Future Other Half 😋 :
And I'm going to say this now rather then later.. I would never. EVER. Do that to you. You don't deserve it and I could never break your sweet little heart. I only want to mend it and be able to say I have it. I would never crush it. Ever.

Girl of my Dreams 💜 :
Thank you, Seán. It means a lot.
Girl of my Dreams 💜 :
and I know you say you never would, but the future isn't always bright.. things could change and stuff could happen. But honestly, I truly believe you. I know you wouldn't do anything to hurt me or anyone on purpose.
Girl of my Dreams 💜 :
Your heart is too weak to see people in pain. That's a reason I learned to love your videos and personality and like Seán.
Girl of my Dreams 💜 :
Not just 'JackSepticEye'... S e á n

Future Other Half 😋 :
You're the only person to never just want fame from dating jse or talking to him.
Future Other Half 😋 :
So now I am going to thank you for that 💘

Girl of my Dreams 💜 :
I would never use you, Seán. I don't have the right to. Let alone the heart

Future Other Half 😋 :
:) also I'm sorry but I have to go. My video stopped rendering so I have to try and fix it. I'm sorry

Girl of my Dreams 💜 :
Hey don't worry about it :) I know your YouTube means a lot. I'll talk to you later then.

Future Other Half 😋 :
Okay I'm sorry. Message you later. Bye gorgeous 😍

Girl of my Dreams 💜 :
Bye handsome 💚

Future Other Half 😋 :
I wish I could kiss you to show that I love you...
<saved as draft>

Girl of my Dreams 💜 :
I want to hold you in my arms and say I love you and play with your fluffy hair
<saved as draft>

Heya sorry this one is a little more serious and less jokey, but I needed these character traits to be out there so.. here :)
Let me know if you guys have any ideas for what else to add cuz I will try to best to put them in :)
Hope you liked :)

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