Day 3

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Telary's pov

Himala, wa nagsamuksamuk ang kagwang sa akua karon ay. Si Harry Style daw sya? Kabuang gud nya! Bayot mana si Harry uy, kung muingon pa syag sya si Harry Potter naglaway naunta ko karon sa iyang magic magic.

(It's a miracle, he didn't disturb me this time. He's Harry Style? He's so crazy! Harry is a gay, if he just told me he is Harry Potter maybe I am drooling from his magic now.)

Pero ngano sigi man pod kog huwat sa iyang pagsamuksamuk karun daw? Isa ra gani mi kaadlaw nagchatay pero feeling naku pila nami katuig nagkailhanay. Gara gara raman to iya diri ba, kaklaru ato. Maong dapat dili dayon ko mutoo nya, kay basin isa ni ka scam o di ba kaya rapist ni sya.

(But why I'm waiting for him to disturb me now? We only chatted for a day but why I felt we had known for a long years. He's just only fooling around, that's clear. That's why I should not believe him easily, maybe this is a scam or his a rapist.)

Sa sigi nakug tutok sa akuang cellphone ug murag gahuwat gyud ko sa iyang pagchat sako ba. Bag-o raman ko nagregister aning sayta ni, wa man gani ko kabaw nga mura diay nig pesbuk messenger, naay poy video call. Gahapon hapit pa nako napindot ang iyang tawag. mao lage ning magsigig bitbit ug cellphone sa CR ba. Sus! Kita unta sya nako nga nalibang.

(I often stared on my cellphone and it looks like I'm waiting for him to chat me. I just register to this kind of site, and I don't know this is like facebook messenger, it also has a video call. Yesterday, I almost press his call. Because I bring my phone inside the comfort room. Ugh! She almost see me poops.)

Bitaw! Wa man pod gud koy kachat ba, ang uban mangita mag totoy. Show me your boobs daw! kabuang gyud atong nakachat naku uy. nihawa gud kog pinakalit sa chatroom namu tapos giblock pa naku tong tawhana to, mayu nalang kay nichat ni si Harry Style. Irisun na unta naku ning appa ba, Karun sayangan na noon ko. Ug magpesbuk pod ko, ang akuang mga igsuon ug ang akuang inahan magsegeg pangayog kwarta. wa nay laing ginahisgut kundi mangayog kwarta naku, di man lang gani mangumusta. Unsay too nila naku, ATM? Instant kwarta padala?

(Yeah! I don't have someone to chat with, some of them ask for a breast. Show me your boobs! Crazy chat mate, I urgently left the chat room and block that guy. It was great when Harry Style Chatted with me, I almost erase this app and now I felt alas. If I log in to facebook, my siblings and my mother will just ask money from me. Nothing to talk about but only asking money, they even didn't ask me if I'm alright. What they thought of me, ATM? Instant money to send?)

Taysa, Magsend daw kog good morning kay Mr. Harry Style gud daw bi..

(Wait, I'll just send a good morning to Mr. Harry Style)

👧Good morning Mr. Harry Style!

(seen mode)


(seen mode)

*hala! Murag nibalos gyud ni ba sa akua kay wa naku gireplyan.

(Oh my! I think he wanted me to payback In not replying him.)

👧Ok bye!


You're still awake?👦

👧today is morning

*tama ba kaha tong akuang english? dapat ang akuang emeseg sa iyaha kay "buntag naman diria." ay ambut uy!

(Was my English right? I should message him "Its already morning here" ah.. I don't know!)

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