A Tale Beyond Time ~ Fall Of A Sinner

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                                                "What was the start of this...?
                                     And when did the cogs of fate begin to turn...?
                                    Perhaps... It is impossible to grasp that answer now,
                                             From deep within the flow of time...
                                                   But for a certain back then...
                                      We loved so many, yet... Hated so much
                                          We hurt others and we hurt ourselves.
                                    Yet, even then, whilst our laughter echoed
                                                   Under cerulean skies."
                                                                             ~When Demons Fall In Love
                                                                 ~Memories Of A Nobody,Sin Takai"

     "Ancient trees and shadows... That's all that remains..." Sin whispered to himself as he walked among the ruins of what used to be his home.
      "I've watched the saplings of this forest grow into the great trees of today " he continued as his gaze moved over a monument enased in vines. It was a monument to the warriors of the Takai Clan that fell in battle. Sin ran his fingers along the cold marble. He recognized every single name written there for all of them were his flesh and blood, his children, grandchildren and so on.
      "Yesterday's newborn are today's husks..." a male that walked next to him stated.
      "I feel so old, Kain, my brother." Sin spoke, without shifting his gaze from the marble monument, his fingers sliding slowly along the vine that encased the monument.
      "You should. You were there when Arcadia fell, a hundred millenia ago. You fought in both Wars of the Magi, lived through the fall of the Ancients and even developed a cure for the Geostigma. You fought Gods and even the dark soul of this planet and protected it's life flow, teaching your descendants to do the same. Yet... your name is invisible in the pages of history. Beside the manuscripts from Arcadia and the wars, you don't even exist, yet you're old enough to sing the first tales of the earth." Kain gazed at the male, a great deal of respect and sorrow being felt for the man in front of him. "You've watched your children and their children grow old and wither away, while you continued to live on... It must be painful."
      "It is... Even after so many years you can never get used to such pain... Yet I had to keep living."
      "Your promise to the Ancients is what kept you going all these years...?"
Sin reached into his jacket, pulling out a single small red crystal, throwing it to Kain.
      "Dear Lord... Is this what I think it is?" Kain asked, gazing at the crystal with still amaze.
      "The very last memory of Arcadia, from the eyes of a child, lost, frightened on the streets of Arcadia when Project Midgar backfired."
      "Why are you giving me this?" Kain gazed at Sin then back at the jewel, seemingly confused.
      "Because, my old friend, the sands of time order history to be put in it's right track. The Ancients are being reborn as we speak. After millennia, I can finally keep my promise..." he smiled softly as he turned his gaze back towards the monument.
      "Ten thousand millennia have past, why now?" Kain asked, shocked as he gazed at the male.
      "Because history demands it." Sin whispered softly, as he removed the leather gloves that covered his hands, revealing a normal arm, and a large crystal limb, ending with a crystal claw, a blue flame running through it, like blood through veins. "Take care of my family Kain..." Sin whispered as he turned around, clapping his hands then touching the ground with them. The earth began shaking, tearing apart, a large, marble structure rising from it. Kain stood and watched, amazed of what was happening.
      "When the time comes Kain, you will join me at the very Sanctuary Of Souls..." Sin whispered once more as he turned his head towards Kain, smiling.
Then he fell on the ground, the glow of the blue flame fading slowly out of his crystallized limb. Kain rushed at the male, shaking him.
      "SIN! SIN!" Kain yelled, but it was in vain. The life of the male has long left his body. But then, a blue smoke like aura began slipping out of the male's corpse, moving towards the steps of the structure that Sin raised from the depths and entered it. Kain took up the male's body and followed the aura inside the structure. Inside, he saw things that amazed him, statues, staues of enteties long forgotten. Aneles, Lady Of Whispers, Simetra, Mistress of Tears, Aicilef, Lord Of Echoes and so on. Kain continued following the trace of the aura, until he reached the final statue, sitting right at the end of the large hallway, in the middle. It was a statue of Sin and under it was a marble plaque with a inscription "Nixs, Herald Of Midnight, Lord Of Blade, Blood and Shadows"
      "Gods cannot live while there is no faith in them" a whisper echoed throughout the large hallway. "But when that spark of faith is carried through the ages, by a hero, that spark is powerful enough to bring back Gods." the whisper continued as a female's form slowly materialized in the air, behind Kain, which turned around swiftly, holding Sin's body, gazing at her "Anales, Lady Of Whispers" he whispered, trembeling in front of such a apparition.
      "Your friend made a promise in ages long past. A promise to bring back the Gods of Old and as millenia moved by him he kept that promise in his heart. He once gained what everyone wished, but lost it, and his heart slowly died, bit by bit" Simetra, Mistress of Tears, appeared next to Aneles, and smiled down at Kain.
      "I could hear his heart scream through the darkness, he hated this world so much, yet he loved the people in it, more than he loved himself. He wanted silence, peace and harmony. But he never recieved it... Untill now, he has fullfilled his promise." Aicilef, Lord Of Echoes materialized next to the other enteties, talking to Kain.
      "And so... I have been granted silence, and unexpectedly, a place among the Gods of Old." Sin's form materialized in front of the three entities, gazing down at Kain.
      "Sin..." he whispered, gazing up at the entity.
      "That is what my name used to be, now I am Nixs, Herald Of Midnight. I will watch over this world and take care of it from the throne in my heavens." the image of Kain's brother smiled softly as his voice seemed to echo through the ages, transcending time and space. "The nightmares stopped my dear friend. And I can finally close my eyes for the first time since Arcadia fell." he finished, his form slowly fading away, along with the images of Simetra and Aicilef.
      "Warrior, leave his body here, let it be a vessel for him when The High Lord must walk the earth once again. For there is a storm coming, a scream from beyond the grave demans justice." Aneles whispered as she waved her arm at Kain and Sin's body. It began floating slowly, as it was encased in crystal, his weapons laying on top of the crystal sarcophagus: Redemption and Justice, his two modified Desert Eagles Mark XIX were in the middle and Sinful Whisper and Rose Fury were on the sides of the guns.
     Kain walked over to the crystal sarcophagus, running his fingers along the cold material it was made of. "I can't believe he's dead... He looks so... peaceful, like he would be asleep." he whispered more to himself than to the entity.
      "Your brother in blades is not dead, Warrior, his memory remains strong in the hearts of those who love him." Aneles whispered. "But this is not the time to mourn, you must spread the word of what happened. You must sing the Tale Of The Sinner and let the world know what truly happened since Arcadia." Aneles continued.
      "But how? I am not merely old enough to say such a tale." Kain answered, turning his gaze to the magificent Goddess.
      "You have the tale, through the eyes of the sinner." Aneles whispered as Kain realized what was upon him.
      " The very last memory of Arcadia, from the eyes of a child, lost, frightened on the streets of Arcadia." Kain remembered Sin's words.
      "A child... He was merely a child when Arcadia fell. It was his memory... All of it..." Kain whispered as he turned towards the fading goddess.
      "Sing the Tale Of A Sinner, Warrior. Until the time comes, the world must know to never repeat the mistakes of Arcadia..." Aneles' voice echoed through the temple as she finally disappeared.
      "And I shall do so..." Kain whispered as he turned around, rushing out of the temple.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2017 ⏰

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