A Tale Beyond Time - Fall Of Ibara

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(A Tale Beyond Time are parts of the same story, that happened long before the actual story, it might  answer some questions, it might not, who knows, read to find out)

                                                      ~The Fall Of Ibara~

     The sun was out already by the time he got to the cafe, there was no one outside of it, waiting for him. Everyone was late, like always so he decided to walk in and drink a coffee like he did every morning for the past year.

    He took a seat at the table and pulled out his sketchbook and gazed at the drawings that it held, most of them contained graffiti but from time to time he would see faces drawn there. He stopped when he saw the last drawing, one he made a few weeks ago and it made his heart skip a heartbeat. It was his last girlfriend, gazing straight in his eyes from the pages of the sketchbook, it looked so impossibly real. His fingers slid across the page slowly, across the drawing's cheek, a soft sigh leaving his lips.

    "She's beautiful. Is that her?" a voice behind asked. It was the waitress, coming to bring him his coffee. He was a regular at the cafe so she always brought him his morning coffee without him even have to ask for it.

    "Thanks Mizuki." he said as he gazed up at the female that gave him a warm smile.

    "You're welcome Koudou-kun. So is it her~?" she asked once again as she took a seat right next to him.

    "Was her. We kinda..." he sighed as she gave him a pat on his shoulder.

    "Hey ~ Don't worry about it, I'm sure there's someone there for you."  Mizuki smiled.

He heard that line so much in the past few weeks since it ended that it made him sick to his stomach.

    "How are you recovering after...?" she asked as she gazed at the male. Koudou understood what she was talking about. A few weeks ago, the male had a all out battle at the Blader's Retreat. He used a technique that he didn't fully complete yet, the final stage of his Battou technique, a skill he named 'Blade's Sonata'


    Koudou reached for his dual katanas as he placed his right leg in front of his left, leaning his entire weight at it. His eyes closed, as he focused, trying to reach a perfect mental state, that he did. His eyes burst open, reavealing a cyan glow. His aura spiked with energy but it all moved around his hands. A gravity bubble formed around Rikku, his opponent as Koudou whispered "Stage Five Battou, Blade's Sonata". Rikku couldn't move her legs but she grabbed her crescent blade as she tried to block the coming attack. The two were rivals for a long time and they knew eachother better than anyone else, but nothing could have prepared her for this. Koudou drew his blades as time it's self stopped the moment he slashed at the air in front of him with such speed that no one saw him draw and slash, the only thing anyone could notice was the male's hand flash for a second and the rest was silence until the moment the hilts of the katanas touched the sheaths. Thousands of slashes in reality's fabric appeared inside the gravity bubble that held Rikku in it. It cut through her, almost killing her, if not for the restraining field that the sparring area had, he probalbly would have. Rikku fell on the ground, coughing up blood, shortly followed by Koudou, who lost his conscious, his hands burned badly all the way to the shoulders.

                 ~End Of Flashback~

    Koudou raised his bandaged hands "The Recovages say that they'll be alright in a few days." he said.

    "So much energy Koudou, you could've killed yourself and Rikku. I know you're one of the best bladers in the retreat but still..." Mizuki said as she looked worried at him.

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