Chapter 6: Morning Breath

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We ment back up to the hotel room after spending nearly an hour at the beach, getting drinks at the wetbar, and going to the gift shop. I'd gotten Josiah a beaded bracelet he had liked, despite his protests.

Needless to say, J was physically and emotionally tired. I had to admit, I was feeling a little worn out myself, but I wasn't the one who had basically dehydrated himself by crying. He had no energy left, and no tears left either.

Once we were in the room, Josiah greedily forced me over to the couch. Okay okay, he didn't have to force me, I was happy to oblige. Anyways, he plopped down on the cushions, yanking me down in the process. I looked at him to see this tired expression on his pretty face. His eyelids were slightly drooping as he snuggled against the side of my arm. He tended to do this; whenever we fought, he'd become clingy as hell after we made up. I couldn't say it bothered me.

"You know, it's hard to stay mad at you," Josiah commented randomly before his head went on my shoulder. I wrapped an arm around his waist and allowed him to do as he wished. His eyes shut automatically, and he looked so peaceful. The only odd thing is that neither of us had bothered to put shirts on after coming in from the beach, which also didn't dother me.

"Psh, Christians are always mad at me," I teased, poking his side in a playful manner. He faintly, tiredly smiled without opening his eyes.

"I'm being serious. Are you using some Satanic magic to make me love you endlessly?" Josiah's words were spaced out and slow, a sign that he was soon going to drift off to sleep. As much as I hated the last part of the question, it made me get "butterflies" at the same time.

I pressed my lips to the side of his head gently before going back to smoothing and playing with his hair. "Actually, no, J," I replied, further making him look up at me with sleepy eyes. "You're doing that all on your own."



I woke up earlier in the morning than I normally would have on a day of no-school. Rubbing my eyes to get used to the light, I stood up from the comfortable bed. The bed was the same one I had woken up in the night before, the one I didn't share with Elliot. He put you in a seperate bed to be careful, My mind told me.

I padded quietly over to my phone. Aside from it being nine in the morning, I have eight missed calls from my mom. I tapped, "Call Back" and waited for her to answer.

"Josiah, where are you at?" My mother squaled into the phone as soon as she answered. I was a little taken back. It was nine in the morning, why was she yelling so loudly?

"With Elliot, where else would I be?" I replied with a bit of sarcasm. I wasn't a morning person, especially when someone was screaming at me.

This earned a sigh from her. "You better be with Elliot! And I mean safe, Josiah, not with Elliot getting drunk!" Typical mother, worrying too much over something she needn't worry about.

"We're fine mom. I just woke up and I think Elliot is still asleep in his room. I haven't checked." I told her as I left my bedroom, urging myself to go towards his room and leave the comfort of my own.

"Oh, alright. Me and your father are just worried, that's all. This had to have been hard on you. We wanted to make sure Elliot was keeping you under control." Damn, they'd just met Elliot and they basically trusted my life with him. I knew they were referring to my sister's death, but I didn't need to talk about that right now.

I reassured her that he was doing just fine before we said our goodbyes. I put my phone on the coffee table of the living space before tip-toeing over to Elliot's door. I turned the knob gently and pushed it open, glad to hear no squeaking. I peeked my head in to see Elliot laying in bed, probably sound asleep.

Wait, I remembered. Elliot doesn't sleep.

I inched the door open a little wider, trying my hardest to keep quiet. He didn't seem to notice me yet.

"I know you're there, silly. Come in." Elliot said in a groggy voice, rolling over on his back. I pouted, he never let anything slip past him.

I went in anyways, crawling up onto his bed and over to him. He gave me an award-winning smile, and his prize was a small kiss. "Morning breath," I reminded him, covering my mouth. He only grinned, shoving my chest lightly.

"You're too much. Go brush your teeth." His tone was light and airy this morning, not dark and threatening like usual. I wondered what was going on, but went off to brush my teeth anyways.

I scrubbed hard at my teeth with my toothbrush before spitting out the toothpaste and returning the brush back into the little holder. I found it completely unfair that Elliot never had to shower or brush his teeth and he still smelled and looked great. Damn Satanic powers. I though to myself as I pranced back out of the bathroom.

Elliot was still lying in that bed, staring at the ceiling. He seemed pretty out of it today.

Sitting back up on the bed with him, I began to mess with his hair. Brushing my fingers through it, messing it up, smoothing it out. He seemed content with the world at the moment, laying there with lazy eyes and a smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

"Your hair is so soft," I commented absent-mindedly. He sent me a funny look. I gave a small shrug in return. Everything was peaceful, until my phone buzzed next to Elliot.

He groaned inwardly before snatching up my phone. I leaned over and peered at it, see a text from my dad. Typical of my dad. He never was one for calling people.

"Hi son, I hope you're having a good time, but I wanted to remind you that your sisters funeral is tomorrow morning. Obviously, no school. Elliot can come if you'd like him to. -Dad" Elliot read aloud, before glancing to me. I shrugged again, secretly feeling a dagger pierce through my heart. I did not want to go watch my dead sister being cried. I was just starting to distract myself from it.

Elliot had read my thoughts, that much was clear. He leaned over and placed his lips on mine. I reacted almost immediately, wrapping my arms around his neck in an attempt to tug him closer. He did get closer, moving so he was on top of me. The kiss wasn't lust filled or hungry, but bitterly sweet and apologetic.

Elliot pulled back after a while, both of us sucking in deep breaths. I looked into his eyes in an attempt to see what he was feeling, but he knew how to hide his emotions much better than I did. All I saw were blank, grey-blue eyes. Knowing Elliot, he'd tell me anyways, but it'd be nice to be able to read him like he reads me.

"Shhhh," Elliot cooed, nuzzling the side of his face with my cheek. "I know you want that, but I can't have visible emotions."

I only whined in response.

"I also know that you don't want to go to that funeral. But you have to. She's your little sister, the least you could do is be there. I'll be at your side the whole time, babe." He continued, his eyes scanning over my face. I felt my eyes watering up, but I quickly kissed Elliot in an attempt to hide my tears from him. It seemed to work, seeing as he didn't pull away or anything. Maybe he was doing that for my sake.

"You know what I want," I muttered in between kisses. His lips trailed to my jaw, kissing me lightly and leaving me feeling flustered.

"Mmm, I want it to be something that I know it's not, but tell me anyways..." Elliot murmured in my ear, not making things any better. I bit my lip and tried to keep my cool as he sucked on the side of my neck.

"I want alcohol. Let's get drunk," I knew he could have us stay here as long as we wanted, despite the reservation. He had that type of power.

Elliot pulled away slightly. I thought he was going to tell me no, before his nodded with a devious smile. "Sure thing."



If that worthless thing could even be called a chapter.


Anyways I hope you liked it XD

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