Chapter 5: I Can't Heal God's Angels

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I knew it was going to happen. God had given me a pretty clears heads-up a few days ago. Josiah was a complete wreck while we drove to the hospital. It was about a half-an-hour drive, but it was filled with sobbing and panicking. I remained calm and reassured Josiah that it was all okay, but I knew that things weren't going to end well. Josiah stared at the dashboard, tears falling down his sweet cheeks and landing on his jeans. I wanted to kiss him all better but I knew that wasn't the best idea."D-Do you think she'll be okay?" Josiah asked me with a broken voice. It was the first thing he'd said throughout the entire car ride. Little did he know, I saw into the future. All I could do what sit back and let it happen. "I don't know babe," I replied, sighing deeply. He only weakly nodded before looking out his window. I parked the car in the parking lot of the hospital. I was fully regretting ever allowing him to tell me he loved him because he would now be even more broken hearted than usual. I got out of the car, planning to open his door, but he was already running to the doors. I followed quickly, latching onto his hand when I reached him. I squeezed his hand in a reassuring way before I pecked his cheek. "Calm down," I tried, but he ignored me. "I need to see Leslie Vates," He told the lady at the desk. She smiled politely before telling us that Leslie was in room 106. Josiah basically dragged me up the stairs, insisting that the elevators would take far too long.

He bursted into the room, but froze when he saw her. Leslie was laying in the bed with tubes and monitors attached to her. It was sad to see her in this state. Of course, seeing as I watched over her brother all his life, that meant I'd seen her grow up too. He small body looked lifeless. Because she was.Josiah's mother sat in a chair by the bed, her head in her hands. She was sobbing quite loudly, making me want to go over and comfort her. But she thinks I've only known her since this morning, when in reality, I've known her for the past 17 years. Consoling her would just be downright awkward. "Mom..." Josiah said, his voice breaking. My poor baby teared up again. His mother looked up, a look of pure sadness on her face when she saw her son. "Baby," She croaked, reaching out to him. He immediately fell over to her, hugging her tightly. They both cried together as I stood in the doorway awkwardly. Seeing them cry made me a bit upset, but of course, I can handle emotions much better than these mortals.

After a few minutes, Elena, Josiah's mom, looked over to me. "Hello, Elliot," She said quietly, trying her best to put on a smiling face. I went over and hugged them both, allowing Elena to cry on my shoulder. Clearly, the girl was dead, and Josiah was going to expect me to do something about it."I'm so sorry for your loss, Mrs. Vates," I said quietly, rubbing her back. She nodded as she pulled back, sniffling and wiping her tears. If you've ever seen your mother cry, you know how I was feeling.

Awkward, uncomfortable, yet upset."W-Where's dad at?" Josiah asked with a sniffle. I wrapped an arm around his waist, hoping to calm him a little. Elena dabbed at her face with a tissue. "He left work. He'll be here any minute now." She replied, looking at us both with a tired expression. "I'm so glad you're here with Josiah... He probably needs someone non-family to comfort him as well..." This was directed to me, and my reply was a simple nod and a kiss to the side of Josiah's head. This next part was the part I was dreading the most. "Yeah... Mom, can I have a minute with Elliot?" Josiah asked eagerly. I held him close to me, knowing this would probably be my last chance to hold him before he exploded."Of course," She replied, following the script. She left the room after grabbing her phone, leaving Josiah with me alone.I peered into Josiah's beautiful blue-green eyes. He nuzzled into my chest while staring at his sister. "Can't you do anything?" He asked me, ripping his gaze off of her and looking up at me. I gulped. "No.""What do you mean, no?" Josiah tore himself from me, stepping back a little bit. "You saved me, fix her!" "This is beyond my power, Josiah." I explained, but he only looked at me with disbelief. "You've got to be kidding! You can heal her, I know you can! Your job is to make me happy, I'm not happy with my sister dead!" Josiah was shouting now, thrusting his hand in the direction of his dead sister. I remained calm, because I knew that nothing I did would calm him down. "Listen, Josiah, I can't heal God's angels." I told him.Josiah looked at me weird, pausing for a moment. "Wait... what?"I nodded, crossing my arms over my chest. "God and I, a long time ago, fought over you. I wanted you, he wanted you, so we came to a compromise. When you were born, God made sure your sexual preference was gay, because I wanted you as more than a slave. He then blessed your mother with a baby girl, to which he claimed as one of his angels. See? God made Leslie die on purpose, he needs her in heaven. I need you in hell. Whatever God does with his chosen people is beyond my power." I spoke in a soothing tone, but I knew Josiah still wasn't going to take this well.

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