Chapter 1- Late at Night

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Skinny Love, n;

when two people love each other but are too shy to admit it but they still show it.


Chapter 1

Phil's POV

My eyes crack open. I sleepily look at the alarm clock set beside my bed. Ugh. 4:23 A.M. I hear Dan pacing in his room through the wall. It is the only reason I woke up in the first place. Dan is not a small guy, so I can tell you that his pacing doesn't sound very graceful.

I have never questioned why Dan paced. Until now, at least. I wonder what was wrong? Does he have insomnia? Is he always stressed or anxious? Usually when he paces I just brush it off. Not this time, though.

I slowly got out of bed and pulled on a shirt, trying not to make a sound. I didn't want Dan to hear me. I walked towards my bedroom door and it opened with a creek. I cringed, hoping that Dan hadn't heard me. The pacing stopped for a moment but continued afterwords. I breathed a sigh of relief and walked down the hallway cautiously, making my way towards Dan's room.

Dan's POV

Why can't I sleep? I know it's not insomnia. It's something more than that.

I pace on my clothes-covered floor in my bedroom.

I hope Phil can't hear me. I don't want him to get worried, I know he would if he knew.

For the last couple of months I have been waking up in the middle of the night, shaking and whimpering for no apparent reason I know of. The only thing that calms me down is pacing. I need to figure this out.

Phil's POV

I reached the end of the hall and pressed my ear up to Dan's door. I could hear him mumbling and pacing. The same thing went on for five minutes, and I finally found the courage to say through the bedroom door, "Dan? Are you alright?"

The pacing stopped immediately and I heard scurrying and Dan's body hit his bed. I knocked on the door.

Dan's POV

Oh shit. He's awake AND heard me pacing. I wonder how long he was there for. I pretended to be asleep when I heard the bedroom door open.

Phil's POV

I turned on the light to see Dan in his bed, "snoring." I rolled my eyes and walked over to him. "Dan, what are you doing? I know you are awake." I shook him.

"I don't know what you are talking about, I am fast asleep." Dan mumbled. I rolled my eyes and sat on the edge on the bed.

"Hey Dan, why have you been pacing so often? Please tell me the truth, I want to help."

Dan's POV

It just dawned on me when Phil said those four words, "I want to help."

Of course! How could I not have seen it before! All of those nights, waking up for what I thought was for no reason, there actually was a reason. There was always a clue. Sometimes I'd wake up hugging my pillow, or sometimes even whimpering his name. How could I be so stupid?

It all makes sense now. It was Phil.

And the only one who could help me was Phil.


A/N: HELLO! I have just read back on these first few chapters and didn't like the whole POV thing, so beginning in chapter three the writing will be easier to read and hopefully a lot better ^-^ hope you enjoy!

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