The Idea

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Faith woke up who knows how many hours later. She jolted awake out of her unconscious sleep to the sounds of something crashing. The pain in her head was a mere echo of what it had been earlier. She sat up as Gibbs came into the room, probably wondering what the crash was. She looked around and noticed a lamp had been shattered against the wall and a phone was on the floor. Faith wondered how that had happened. She watched as he picked his phone up off the floor. She blushed, though she wasn’t sure why. Its not like it was her fault the things had fallen.

"So uh I thought you were going to work?" she said playing with the hem of his shirt.

"I was. But then I decided not to. The team can handle a case without me every once in awhile.”

Faith felt him sit on the bed, but for some reason she couldn’t look at him.

“What happened?” he asked softly.

“I don’t know. I just woke up and the lamp was busted.” She shrugged.

“No I meant earlier, with you.”

“Oh.” She shrugged again. “I was hungry so I thought I would cook something. Then I couldn’t remember if I knew how to cook. So I tried remembering. I got a few flashes of when I was a kid then pain screamed through my head. It was so agonizing it overrided my function to hold my body weight up and so I kinda fell to the floor. Was that you who picked me up?” She finally looked up at him. She felt like she might have done something but she hadn’t so she didn’t need to act like a schoolgirl in trouble.

“Yes.” He nodded at her question. 'So thinking about her past causes her pain. That can't be good.' He wondered if there was anything they could do about that. “I made some food, if you're still hungry.”

Faith thought about that.

“I don’t feel hungry, but I could try.” She smiled before getting off the bed. She then let him lead her into the kitchen where food was waiting for her. She sat at his kitchen table and pulled a plate towards her. She only grabbed a few things of food before slowly picking at it. For some reason she felt like she could tell what he was thinking. Which couldn’t be possible. "So based on the memories I have I know I know you, but we didn't meet until recently did we?"

"Correct. We meet each other about 2 months ago.”

“How much time have we spent with each other? Because I feel like I barely know you.”

“We have spent quite a bit of time together actually,” he said slowly sipping his coffee.

She was surprised by that. “Really? I remember meeting you. Then little things here and there. Then the mall. So it feels like I have only seen you a couple times.” She sighed and ran her hand through her hair. “What happened to my memories?”

“I don’t know. I wasn’t with you in the moments before like I wanted to be."

"Oh? What happened before I came here?"

"There was a fight." He looked away then looked back towards her. "You should eat." When he said that though she pushed the plate away.

"I'm not hungry. At least not for this. I feel hungry, but food doesn't sound appealing to me. I don't know why." She saw him look away for a brief moment. "What? Do you know something? If you do you should tell me. No you need to tell me."

"Its complicated Faith."

"Bull shit! They're my memories. You need to tell me. Now!" She slammed her fist on the table making it snap in half. Also a rag on the table caught fire. Faith jumped back along with Gibbs.

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