Chapter Four

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June 14,2016 


          Today is the day for Jason to come back home from where ever he went. Still i do wounder where he went but that's when i get a text message from him saying that he needs a ride so i went to go pick him up and i did. That's when we both got into a car accident from a stupid drunk truck driver. So the ambulance came rushing use to the hospital, after all that madness we were okay i had a broken leg and Jason had nothing no broken bones or anything else too. It mad e me so mad how he didn't have any broken parts on his body which is good though cause well i would miss his body if he did get hurt really bad then me.  

       After that happened we went to his house i went up stairs to his bedroom while he stayed down stairs away from me for some reason. Its like hes seeing someone else already or hes just trying to cool down from all the fights he had in the last couple weeks. Still i don't care guess well he does need to come down first before he comes to me to talk to. Later after that night he came up stairs and into the bedroom where I was at, and he started to talk saying that he was at a friends house even thought that night i saw him with another girl and that me really mad.  So i said then if you were with a friend, who was that girl with you holding your hand that's when he started to make up lies when i even have it recorded on my phone. Later after the argument i told him that you can just go live with her if you love her more than me, but he started yelling at me for saying that's he should live and go with her. 

        Later Jason packed his stuff and left the house for good and i never seen him again, its just i really had no chose but to let him go for good if he's just going to cheat and lie to me all the time. Another reason why i let him go is because well i don't  know see that's the thing i cant even remember what to say cause he got's me all mad and sad too. During that night i was in my room crying because he actually left me for real, but anyway i can just move on if i can.  


         Today is the day when Jason finally moved all of his stuff out of the house for good but then all of the sudden i been acting weird like people think that i'am crazy and that i need to go to a special hospital just because Jason left me for good like always. Anyway i can find a new guy if Jason is going to have a new girlfriend then me oh well, wait i already did okay so after Jason left a few week ago i went to my other friend's house and OMG, he was just amazing but he remind me Jason though. Anyway i went to Jason's house to get my other stuff that i left at his house and of course Jason just started to stare at me and fucking saying how i was a bad person to leave him, when he left me and went with this other chick. 

      Now to the next chapter...........

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