A Heart as Delicate as a Feather

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Rayven's P.O.V

When I woke up, I was greeted with the darkness of my closet. I felt my panic rise as my claustrophobia started to take effect and I kicked the door open, breaking the doorknob. The light coming in my room was dim, telling me it was either dawn or dusk. I looked around as I exited the closet, hoping to find something that would make me feel less alone. Instead, I found silence.

A deadly silence.

"Hello? Anyone here?" I called out. More silence. My panic began to rise again, and I noticed something. On the window sill, there were two black crow feathers and a black rose. I walked over to the items and picked them up. Attached to the rose was a piece of paper with writing on it. Gently picking it up, I untied the paper and read the note. "A gift from me to milady." Was written on the note. Milady? Nobody calls me that. That's what the servants call my mother.

My mother. "Oh no..." I placed the rose back down and ran out of my room. I rushed down the hall and down the stairs onto the first landing. At the bottom of the stairs was a sight that made you want to lose your lunch right then and there. I had to put my hands over my mouth to prevent myself from screaming out. At the bottom of the staircase were my mother, father, and the servants' bloody bodies in a pile. I took a step back, tears threatening my eyes.

"Why...?" was all I could mutter. "Why why why why why?!" Another sharp feeling hit my stomach. Maverick. His body wasn't in the pile. I looked around and saw a limp hand still holding a pistol behind the banister to my left, the black fingernails contrasting against the pale skin. "You should thank your brave fiancé for killing off an entire gang with a pistol, but then getting shot by one of the almost dead men. He's the reason you're alive." The man's words echoed in my head.

Everyone I loved were dead. Everything's gone, absolutely everything. I felt the tears run down my face as I ran up the stairs and back into my room. I looked in the mirror and saw the tears were making small trails in my cheeks. I glared at my childish reflection and looked around for something sharp. I faced the window, grabbed the feathers and rose from the sill, and kicked the window. It shattered into large pieces around my feet, some pieces were cutting into my skin. I ignored the pain and grabbed a large shard. I put the rose and feathers down onto my bed and grabbed my hair as though I was putting it up with a hair elastic. I took the glass and cut it so it was just brushing my shoulders. I did the same for my long, parted bangs. They fell over my eyes. I put the shard down and noticed it had blood from my hand on it. "No matter. I can't feel the pain anyways." I muttered and grabbed the two feathers. I turned them around. "Hair clips?" I looked at them a bit and put both of them into my hair on one side. My ebony bangs were only covering one of my eyes now. I looked at my reflection again and smiled. I looked much more mature. "Much better." I whispered and touched the mirror, smudging blood.

Suddenly, I felt saddened. Sad I had lost my parents and my love. Sad that my innocent self was gone. And sad that I wasn't able to save my family. That sadness was quickly replaced by rage.

"I will get my revenge. I can trust no one anymore!" I shouted, my words echoing through the empty manor. I gripped my short hoar and started to laugh. "No more trust... heh, no more!"

I was cut short by the soft creaking if the front door opening. I stop breathing for a few seconds, fear enveloping me and stopping me from moving. I could hear faint voices and I struggled to hear the conversation.

"...sure this is...-ily? I tho-... a girl?" A male's voice. Another male voice answered him, and it was easy to hear him.

"After the gunshots stopped, I came inside and looked around for any survivors, but everyone was killed. And the only woman I found was the mother. Even if there was a daughter and they forgot her, they were punished anyways for failing the attack." He said, adding a growl to the end of his statement.

I could feel the rage burn in my chest. These two are the ones who set up the attack that killed my family! I clenched my fist, regaining the ability to move. I took the hem of my dress and ripped it off all the way around, then I took the glass shard and used it to cut the dress shorter. It came up to about my knees and I moved my legs around. "There, now I can move around better." I said a bit too loudly.

"Who's there?!" one of the men shouted. Two sets of running feet pounded on the staircase. I quickly grabbed the black rose and ran over to the window, brushing away the glass. I looked down and saw the shed roof below. I looked over my shoulder and saw the two men. One had snow white hair, violet eyes and a rapier, and the other man's face was covered, a revolver pointed at me. Without thinking, I jumped from the window and onto the roof. I landed on my feet and stumbled a bit. I quickly recovered and jumped off the shed and onto the dew covered grass. I could hear gunshots behind me as I took off towards town.


G-gomenasai! I've been trying to catch up with school and then when I finally had time to write this up, I got writers block! I'm really, really sorry about the wait! Hopefully I can get the next chapter up soon.

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