getting a new sword and the bridge

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Ivor and Kiba followed Gabriel into a cave.

Gabriel: I want to show you something.

Ivor: Not that this isn't a really cool, dimly-lit tunnel, but... how far away is this thing you wanna show me?

Gabriel: Careful, Ivor. You don't want to get a reputation as a wimp.

Ivor: This isn't my first time in a cave, Gabriel.

Gabriel: Yeah, but have you ever seen -- A Wither skull?

Ivor: Whoa!

Gabriel: Fresh from the Nether. You're the first person I've showed it to. So you'd better appreciate this.

Ivor: That's insane, Gabriel. You could've gotten yourself killed.

Gabriel: Don't worry so much. I can handle myself. There's this guy I'm meeting up with at Endercon -- he's gonna trade me a diamond for it. Being the resident go-getter pays off every once in awhile.

Ivor: The guy you got the skull for -- what's his deal?

Gabriel: He's kind of strange, I guess, but hey -- everybody's got their thing.

Ivor: And you never thought to ask him, hey -- what's with your whole... totally normal... not at all weird... skull thing?

Gabriel: As long as this guy is willing to pay... I earned that diamond.

Ivor: Wow.

Gabriel: Wow... what?

Ivor: In a single day, you went to the Nether, you killed a Wither skeleton... I mean, I DID build a supercool statue, but still. It's pretty sweet being you, huh?

Gabriel: You know... you could come with me. I mean, if your too nervous, I totally get it. But I wouldn't mind a little backup.

Ivor: You want ME? To come with YOU.

Gabriel: Consider it my charitable act for the day.

Ivor: I'll consider it whatever you want me to consider it -- so long as I get to come. You just keep a crafting table down here?

Gabriel: Comes in handy. Since that wooden sword of yours got busted...

Ivor: You're giving me a new one?

Gabriel: Even better. You can make your own. One stick, plus two stones equals one sword.

Ivor opens the chest.

Gabriel: Just grab what you need.

Ivor: Oh. Okay. Thanks. Hey, is all this stuff yours?

Gabriel: No, we're just stealing from whoever was dumb enough to leave this here. Of course it's mine.

Ivor: Just making sure. Oh, here we go! Jackpot.

Gabriel: Just place the pieces on the table. C'mon Ivor, we don't have all night.

Ivor: Yeah?

Ivor crafts a stone sword.

Gabriel: See, isn't it better when you make it yourself?

Ivor, Kiba and Gabriel head out of the cave.

Gabriel: Check it out -- Endercon's all lit up.

Ivor: Aw, man -- looks like Soren and his Endermen won again.

Gabriel: Sorry, Ivor. But you've got to admit -- that beacon does look pretty sweet.

Ivor: Yeah, yeah. I just wanted THIS to be the year we finally beat that jerk!

Gabriel: You know, Soren may be kind of arrogant, but he has come through for me in tricky situations. You might want to get to know him -- just in case. He's good at building, that's for sure. It's always useful to have a guy like that around... no matter what you might think of him personally.

Ivor: Yeah, you might be right.

Gabriel: I'm just saying, if you run into him at Endercon -- try talking to him.

Ivor: I don't need a lecture on the power of collaboration, Gabriel.

Gabriel: How 'bout a lecture on the power of my fists? It's short. But deadly.

Ivor: C'mon -- let's hurry.

They start walking across the bridge.

Gabriel: Remember what Endercon was like BEFORE it was cool?

Ivor: Remember what WE were like before WE were cool?

Gabriel: ... some of us will never be cool.

Ivor: Ha-ha.

Suddenly some creepers appear.

Ivor: Creepers!

Behind them, there are zombies.

Ivor: Crap...

Gabriel: This... doesn't look good. Well -- there's only one way off this bridge. Whatever we do, we do it together.

Ivor: The only way off this bridge is through them.

They start fighting them.

Ivor: There's too many of them! I DON'T WANT TO DIE!

They all get blown off the bridge and into the water.


Ivor:OWWWWW! Burns; it burns!

Gabriel: Don't you know? You dive INTO the water - you don't land on top of it. Pull yourself together, and follow me.

They all start swimming out of the water.


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