the building competition

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After they finished collecting.

Magnus: We know what we're building, we've got all the stuff for it. We are so ready.

Ellegaard: This year it's going to be different. I'm not just ready to build, I'm ready to win.

?: Nice wolf, losers.

Magnus: Oh, great, there's Soren and the Endermen. The rivalry continues.

Ellegaard: Man. They've got matching leather jackets and everything.

Magnus: So cool...

Milo: Well, well, well, if it isn't the Order of the Losers.

Isa: Great, the fail squad's here.

Harry: Soren, get a load of these losers!

Soren: Let's go, guys.

Soren and his friends leave.

Lady: Name, please?

Magnus: Magnus, and a how do you do?

Lady: No, your team name.

Magnus: Team name? We are not ready for this.

Ellegaard: So much for losing anonymously.

Ivor: We're the Order of the Wolf.

Ellegaard: Really?

Magnus: Is it meant to tie us to Kiba, or are you making fun of me?

Lady: Okay, Order of the Wolf. You guys are in Booth 5.

Soren's friends laugh at them.

Ivor opens a large chest.

Ivor: Hmm...Nope.

Ivor walks over to Booth 5.

Magnus: Is that a freakin' beacon. They have a freakin' beacon?! Freakin' Beacon!?

Ellegaard: That's stained glass. They aren't just building a beacon. They're building a rainbow beacon. We're gonna lose.

Ivor: What're you worried about? We've got this.

Ellegaard: Who are we kidding? We've got nothing.

Ivor: We've got... a mascot!

Ellegaard: We should probably stop staring at them.

Harry: Hahaha! Look, it's the Order of the Losers. Again.

Isa: Good one, Harry!

Ellegaard: We're just looking.

Milo: There'll be plenty of time for you all to look at it after it wins and gets shown at Endercon.

Magnus: You're being unpleasant.

Milo: Maybe not all of you. You know Endercon has a wild life security guard every year. I'm talking about your wolf.

Ivor: Shut up.

Milo: What's that?

Ellegaard: Ivor said "shut up." Do you need to hear it again?

Milo: I dunno. Maybe.

Soren: Stop wasting your time, Milo. We've got work to do.

Milo: You're lucky I'm busy.

Gabriel walks over to them.

Gabriel: Hey Ivor. Guys.

Ivor: Hey, Gabriel.

Gabriel: How's the build going.

Magnus: Only time will tell. But -- we're optimistic.

Soren: Gabriel, I forgot to thank you for that nether star.

Gabriel: Hey Soren. Not a problem.

Magnus: You helped these tools?

Gabriel: For the right price, I'll help anyone. If you need anything, you know where to find me.

Ellegaard: None of us know where to find you.

Gabriel: Exactly.

Gabriel leaves.

Soren: No hard feelings guys. If you're cool with Gabriel, you're cool with us. So why don't we just forget about all this, and, y'know... make this about how cool our builds are.

Ivor: We're going to crush you.

Soren: I don't know if you know this, but... we're pretty good....ohhh. Wait. I get it. It's like a joke, right?

Ivor: No, I'm serious. We're going to destroy you.

Soren: Ha! Y'know, you're really funny. That's awesome. Hey, good luck.

Lady: Ladies and gentlemen...Welcome to the Endercon Building Competition. The winners of this years competition will have their build featured at Endercon -- the winners will also meet, in person, Petra the Warrior.

Soren and the Endermen: Endermen!! Endermen!! Endermen!!

Ellegaard: Woah. Handshake. We don't have a handshake.

Ivor: We'll just make one up. We'll call it the uuhhhhhh....The "Builder Bump!"

They do the Builder Bump.

Ellegaard: Aaaand just like that, I'm nervous again.

Ivor: Don't talk like that! We can do this! Just stick to the plan and everything will be fine. This year, the Order of the Wolf can't lose!

Magnus: Let's do it.


They start building.

Milo: Oh, no! A fireworks dispenser?! I'm Soooo scared!

Ivor: You worry about your build and we'll worry about ours.

They finish the build.

Ivor: And now -- the moment of truth.

Ellegaard: Here goes nothing...

Fireworks are set off.

Magnus: Aw man, that looks so cool. We'll win this for sure.

Ellegaard: The creeper was definitely the right way to go.

Everyone crowds around their build.

Ivor: Guys. People are looking at us.

?: Good build, man.

Milo: What? No way...It's just a bunch of dyed wool!

Milo breaks some stone letting out some lava.

Milo: Whoops...

The lave catches Kiba's costume on fire and he runs away.

Ivor: Oh, no! Kiba's on fire!! Kiba, no! Come back!

Magnus: It was Milo! That punk!

Ellegaard: The lava's getting closer!

Magnus: It's gonna ruin the build!

Ellegaard: Kiba's going to get lost! We've got to do something.

Magnus: But our build is about to go up in flames.

Ivor: We've got to get Kiba!

Ivor jumps of their build followed by Magnus and Ellegaard.

Ellegaard: We're right behind you!


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