Jeongyeon: Crush

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Jeongyeon x Reader

You have had a crush on Jeongyeon for months now and according to your friends, she likes you as well but you don't really believe it. Yes, she is shy and is blushing most of the time when you two talk but still, you refuse to believe that Yoo Jeongyeon likes you back.

It was the end of the semester and you were so relieved that all these studying and stress is over.

"Seriously? You're not coming? C'mooon!! Who doesn't want to celebrate the end of the semester?" Your best friend Mina said, still trying to convince you to go to this stupid party.

You hate parties. Especially when it's with these people that go to the same freaking college with you. They always get drunk, Mina included, and dance to really loud music.

"I'm not in the mood, I guess? I will just stay here, watch some movie and relax, see? I can have fun by myself." You said to your friend,hoping that she will give up.

"Fine...but I heard Jeongyeon is coming..just saying.." Mina started to whistle in an ironic tone and you had to admit to yourself that this time she got your attention.

"Wait..for real?" You asked.

"Momo told me she will come, now get dressed cause we'll be late." Mina commanded and you found yourself getting dressed. Momo was Mina's girlfriend and Jeongyeon's roomate, since she's her roomate she surely knows if she is coming to the party or not.

You got in the car and Mina started driving you both to the party. You were so nervous.

"What did Momo say? Exactly?" You asked, still suprised that Yoo Jeongyeon is coming to this party. She is not a party animal either and you are well aware of that fact since you have talked with her about it before.

"She said that Jeong is coming because she wanted to support Mark on his first dj experience." Mina said. Mark was Jeongyeon's best friend since they were really young.

"Right." You said feeling silly because you haven't thought about it.

You were starting to get bored already and it hasn't been not even an hour since you got here. You found yourself sitting in a bench with a beer in your hands, taking some sips every once in a while and staring at the weird actions of drunk students. Actually, you were looking at Jeongyeon most of the time who was just sitting on another bench in the coolest way possible with one of her friends, her full attention was on Mark who was dj-ing. You lost track of Jeongyeon for a second and focused on Mina to check if she is okay. You guessed that she is okay since a friend told you that she is with Momo at the moment.

You went back to the bench that you were sitting alone but this time you noticed that someone was sitting there. You just went there to take your beer, ready to leave for another bench but you froze at the sight of the person who was sitting there. It was Jeongyeon.

"Heyy" Jeongyeon smiled at you and you felt butterflies attacking your stomach.

"Hey.." You said kind of late. You grabbed your beer and stopped at the confused look that she gave you.

"Noo, where are you going? I was hoping that I will find some company..." She said still killing you with that smile.

"Okay then.. I think I can help you with that." You smiled back at her and thanked god for the darkness of this night which helped you hide your blush. You gave a secret look to the bench that Jeong was sitting a few moments ago and saw her friend sitting there alone. She already had her friend's company so why did she come here?

"Suprised to see you here.." Jeongyeon said looking at the beer in her hands.

"Mina insisted..." You smiled and Jeongyeon let out a small laugh which was the cutest thing that you heard today. She didn't say anything else and you started to feel really awkward since you were sitting next to each other. You have never rejected the fact that she could have a crush on you. It's just hard for you to accept it. The way that she acts around you is similar to your's, so it could be possible..right?

"Are you here because of Mark? I know you don't fancy parties either." You said, still trying to process the fact that you are talking to her right now.

"Yes...partly." She said raising her look from her beer to you. You stared at each other and you felt your heart bumping in your chest. You galped and nodded. You weren't sure if you were allowed to ask her what was the other  'part?' of the reason why she is here.

You both spend a couple of minutes judging and laughing at the drunk guys who were currently trying to dance in one foot. You were laughing at someone who just fell right next to where you were sitting. Both of you stood up to help him though.

"Drinking sucks.." Jeongyeon mumbled as the guy started dancing again and you both were just looking at him again.

"Have you ever been drunk?" You asked her, getting her attention back.

"Yes.. but not that much" she simply answered pointing to the drunk students in front of you.
"Have you?" She asked you.

"Nope.. Feeling dizzy is the maxinum symptom that I've ever had bacause of alcohol so far." You answered while finishing your beer and leaving the empty bottle somewhere.

Jeongyeon suddenly got a serious look, so you decided to give her the look back. Again, you were staring at each other and your heart started racing. You really didn't believe that she might have a crush on you but , to you, this glare seemed like a competition in which the winner has to make the first move.

After a few seconds you felt her grabbing your hand. She lead you somewhere away from other people. When the music almost couldn't be heard she slowed down and just walked still holding your hand. Your heart was beating so fast that you started questioning yourself if you are healthy at the moment. Her hands were sweating. You could tell that she was nervous because she was trying to find the words to tell you something. You didn't want to see her nervous like that.

So you stopped walking. Your hand pulled her close, closer than you expected and she locked her eyes on you. Your faces were so close to each other, giving you the opportunity to scan her beautiful face. Your eyes stopped at the sight of her lips. She placed her thump on your bottom lip, pressing it gently.

"Jeong.." You whispered and you closed your eyes when you felt her leaning slowly against you. The next second, you felt her soft and wet lips on your own.


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