Jeongyeon: Coincidence

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Jeongyeon x Reader

"So, are you coming or what?" You heard Seungyeon saying through the phone. You sighed. You just wanted to stay at home and watch some kind of a movie alone, as an untisocial person you always were. Seungyeon was in a family plus college-old-friends reunion and you didn't really see the reason why you should go there, since you weren't in the same college as her. Also who the hell organises a family and a college reunion at the same time!? It sounded so boring to you.

"C'mon!! It'll be fun, also my sister is here too and it's about time I introduce you to her! You are my best buddy for like 2 years now and you haven't met my sister yet wtf??" You rolled your eyes because you see no point into meeting your best friend's sister. She's always growling about the fact that you haven't met her yet because, according to her, you two are pretty similar and your personalities match one another. You sighed once again.

"Okay fine, but I'll show up in an hour or something so don't wait for me." You said kinda disappointed at the fact that you'd have to watch your movie some other day.

"You better come as fast as you can and save me from that creepy guy that had a crush on me back then because he already started winking at me istg.." You laughed at the thought of that creepy guy, that Seungyeon has showed you in some of her college photos before, winking at her.

You didn't expect for the place to be so crowded, you always had the idea that reunions are kinda dead lately and that only 5 or 6 people show up who were probably famous at college just like Seungyeon. When you went in, you noticed that the left side of the cafeteria/bar was filled with the parents who were laughing and probably discussing about what kind of crazy things their children used to do on their college years. You completely ignored this side and turned to look at the right one which was filled with the current-adults and ex-college-kids who were literally screaming to hear one another.

Some of them were still looking at you from the moment that you walked in and this kind of behavior: staring/flirting at you and screaming while talking with a bear in their hands seemed to you like they were still at college. You secretly laughed because it all seemed rediculus to you.

You couldn't find Seungyeon so you decided to lean on the bar since you already started to feel dizzy from all this sudden noice around you. You tried to not start judging the people around from now, since you just came here, but seriously most of these people are surely older than you and act like kids. You tried to call Seungyeon 'cause she was nowhere to be seen.

As you were typing the numbers to call her you felt some cold liquid flowing over your shoulder and then you saw it splashing at your phone screen. You literally jumbed at the feeling of something so cold into your shirt, it must've been some ice too. You turned around agrily, ready to curse to the person who did it.

"OH MY GOD, I'm so so SO sorry, I didn't mean to!! It was an accident... EXCUSE ME!! Can you give me a towel please?" You saw a tall girl with short hair who started talking so fast that you couldn't manage to say a word. The barista already gave her the towel and she started wiping you on your shoulder at the spot that you were wet. Her fast motions were starting to get you even more dizzy so you tried to stop her by getting the towel off of her hands and do it yourself.

"I'll do that myself, thank you." You said and took the towel. You continued wiping yourself but you could tell that she was still in front of you, staring. You looked at her to understand what exactly she was waiting for but as soon as your eyes met her's she turned to look at the towel.

"I'm really sorry, this guy pushed me and I lost control of my drink." She said looking back at you. It took you a few seconds to respond because she looked really familiar for some reason, especially the shape of her eyes.

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