Momo: Cousins?

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Momo x Reader

"Don't make me do this" Momo said holding an open bottle of water over the bed.

You just frowned at your girlfriend and turned around hoping that she will let you sleep for as much as you want. The next second you felt a cold drip on your hair getting more and more noticeable to the point that woke you up completely.

"MOMO WHAT THE-" She started laughing at you which was enough for you to start playing mad at her. You locked yourself at the bathroom to clean up the mess. You could still hear her laughing from the other room.

When you got out of the bathroom Momo tried to approach you and kiss you with an apologetic look on her face but you wouldn't let this pass that easy, would you? You both like teasing each other and it's something that needs to be done everyday by both of you.

"Did you change the bed sheets?" You asked with a serious look, still ignoring her mood and playing mad at her.

"Awww are you supposed to act mad at me now?? C'mooon I know you too well for this to work" She said smiling at you.

"Yes, I changed them. Can I have my 'good morning' kiss now?" Momo pouted at you and you couldn't resist at her cuteness.

"Ugh...ok fine but im not gonna let that pass the next ti-" Her impatient self didn't even let you finish your sentence because she gave you that kiss that has been desperate for ever since you woke up.

"I hate it when you win at teasing" You said when she pulled back.

"I LOVE it." She said and moved herself to the kitchen to prepare some breakfast for the both of you.

"Sooo what's your schedule today?" You asked catching an apple that she just threw at you.

"We have a photoshoot and then something else but I don't really remember, it's probably not biggy" She said and you nodded.

"I'll probably go back to dorm today, wanna come and hang out with the girls?" She asked you. You and Momo often spend time with her group mates but of course not in public because it might cause trouble.

"Yea sure" You accepted since you don't have anything else to do for the day.

Momo called you earlier than you thought. It hasn't even been a couple of hours apart but you missed her so much that you wanted to go there to just see her, hug her and tell her how much you've missed her.

You could already tell from the cheering, that you could hear while walking up the stairs to their dorm, that their today's schedule wasn't that tiring as it usually is. You rang the bell and to your suprise, everyone went silent. You assumed that they are probably trying to prank you or something, so you generally didn't pay attention to that.

The manager opened the door and everyone greeted you normally, which made you more curious about their weird reaction. All the members were gathered around a selfie stick but a lot of them (including Momo) came over to where you were to welcome you. You happily greeted them back and when it was Momo's turn you gave her a quick kiss on the cheek, just because you feel a little bit more shy when there are members around you.

You didnt really realise the silence around you until you pulled away. You looked around to see everyone in the room looking at you and the Manager who was trying to give a sign to Nayeon with weird gestures. You didn't understand why he wasn't just talking to Nayeon or why everyone went silent since it's not the first time you're kissing Momo in front of them.

You finally realised what was going on when your eyes met the person who the Manager was waving at, Nayeon. She was the one holding the selfie stick but you didn't notice that they weren't just taking photos. They were using it to stable a recording camera. You turned to look at Momo, terrified at the thought of what you've probably just caused, who was frozen in front of you, she couldn't even turn around to look at the girls or the Manager, she was just looking at you. You couldn't look anywhere else but Momo either but you saw with the corner of your eye Nayeon finally seeing their manager doing these weird signs at her, which she probably understood. Nayeon started laughing, followed by the members who were near her.

Momo suddenly flashed you a smile and hugged you but you were still scared. You were so sure that kissing Momo on camera would be a total disaster for her career. While Momo was hugging you, you saw the manager showing a paper behind the camera to the members which had a message on it. 'Say that she is Momo's cousin.' Was written on it and now you finally started to understand what was happening. The manager was trying to save the situation this whole time by secretly sending signals [ofc i would do a SIGNAL reference y'all should expect this💁🏻]to Nayeon behind the camera, he was trying to get her attention so that she could read the paper.

"Everyone~ This is Momo's cousin don't worry!!ㅋㅋㅋ~" She said and the members continued laughing to cover it up. They seemed really professional to you because it didn't seem as a fake laugh, it was really convinsing. You tried to wake yourself from the shock and to contribute to what was happening, so you just took a few step to make sure that you are on camera (which you knew you were) and said "Hi" in japanese. Now that you got closer, you noticed that they were on V live this whole time. After that, the members took care of it and you silently went behind the camera to apologise to the manager.

Thank god being Momo's girlfriend had surely helped you learn a few japanese.

A/N: 11k views and i didn't pay anyone to read this wow thanks

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