A Lovely Night

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The two of them walked down the street to find John's car. The sky was like an oil painting with violent bursts of colours. Violet mixed magically with the reds and the yellows. The blues and oranges clashed, yet melted. The trees were black against the beautiful sunset. The city below them began to glow with tiny specs of light.
'You know you're supposed to hold that under your chin,' Sherlock smirked, referring to John's car keys.
Sherlock mimed the action of clicking car keys under his chin. 'It uses your head as an antenna. I think it gives you cancer, but...' he shrugged.
John laughed sarcastically. 'Uh-huh,' he glared at the man who seemed to be following him.
Sherlock walked slowly to a street light his his jacket draped over his arm. Curious, John lingered to watch him. Sherlock put one hand on the pole and twirled around it.
'The sun is nearly gone,' he began to sing. 'The lights are turning on. A silver shine that stretches to the sea.'
John raised an eyebrow as they continued down the path.
'We stumbled on a view, that's tailor made for two. What a shame those two are you and me.'
John acted offended when in reality, he completely agreed. They movements flowed like water in a calm river.
'Some girl and guy,' he continued, 'would love this swirling sky, but there's only you and I, and we've got no shot.'
Despite disliking where Sherlock's song may be heading, John followed him anyways.
'This could never be,' Sherlock had a smile in the corners of his lips as he sung. They made eye contact. 'You're not the type for me.'
'Really?' John whispered. I'm not his type? He's not my type!
     'And there's not a spark in sight,' Sherlock walked back closer to John. 'What a, waste of a beautiful night!'
     John gave Sherlock an impatient smile. 'You say there's nothing here. Well let's make something clear, I think I'll be the one to make that call!'
     'But, you'll call?' Sherlock mocked.
     'And though you looked so cute,' John picked up Sherlock's coat and dropped it back in Sherlock's arms, 'in your polyester suit—.'
     'It's wool.'
     'You're right, I'd never fall for you at all!' John crossed his arms in frustration. 'And maybe this appeals, to someone in heels, or anyone who feels, there's some chance for romance.' As he sung, Sherlock whistled the tune. John didn't even bother saying he wasn't attracted to men. They lived in Hollywood; nobody believed him anyways. 'But I'm frankly feeling nothing.'
     'Is that so?'
     'Or it could be less than nothing.'
     'Good to know!' Sherlock exclaimed. 'So you agree?'
     'That's right!'
     The two of them sang in sync, 'What a waste of a lovely night!'
     And they danced. They tapped to the imaginary beat. They danced alone, one at a time, and they danced together. It was almost like flirting, both playing hard-to-get. But heaven forbid flirting.
They danced until the imaginary music finally ended. John glanced at Sherlock to make sure he wasn't looking and tested Sherlock's trick. He held his car keys under his chin and clicked them. Then he suddenly heard the horn of a car sound. The two of them looked in the direction of the sound.
Sherlock pulled a smug face. 'Told you,' he smirked, shoving his hands into his pockets.
John rolled his eyes. When he knew Sherlock wasn't looking, a secret smile that he couldn't keep in anymore appeared on his face.

They strolled together in the dark until they reached John's car.
'Do you need a ride to your car?' John asked as Sherlock opened the door for him.
'No, I'm right up here,' Sherlock pointed to a little further up the road.
John smiled. 'Bye,' he said as he got into his car.
Sherlock smiled back and waved as he closed the car door for John. When he had driven away, Sherlock walked all the way back to his car. And smiled to himself. Maybe it wasn't a waste of a lovely night at all.

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