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Coming back with the sequel which took me a week to complete. Yeesh. So I hope that you enjoy the conclusion! So see you at the bottom!


The blackness had a different feel to it. This time it wasn't at all comforting like it had been for the past few months, but instead it was consuming, like it was trying to take the life right out of him.

This blackness was cold and hateful. Much like he had been when he returned from Australia and then in recent months he returned to that personality.

That was the first time he realized that he had a "physical" body in this world. He looked down at himself, noticing that he looked like he did before the… he wasn't sure what he should call it happened.

In a panic he began to look around for anything that could be of use to get him out of this mess. His eyes darted around wildly. He didn't want this blackness again, he'd take defeat over this any day.

Rin-san! Wake up!

'What? Who?'Rin thought to himself.

Rin-chan, you really are strong! Please come on!

"Strong? Come where? Who are you?" Rin continued to yell, the voices were loud, so they had to be close.

Rin, you've got to fight, for your sake, and ours!

"Who's sake? I don't even know who this is!" Rin continued his voice shaky with panic.

Nii-san. You promised you'd always be there for me. So please just wake up.

'Nii-san?' Rin asked himself. "Who…?

Rin, I know you can fight this. Just remember what it felt like when you were finally free! Wake up so you can swim with us again.

That voice he knew. "Haru? What's happening? Why do you sound like you're in pain? Who else is with you?"

Rin waited for what seemed like an eternity, which it every well could've been, there was no way to tell time.

"Haru!" Rin cried out. He suddenly realized who would've been with Haru. "Makoto, Nagisa, Rei! Gou!"

There was no echo, no chance that he could've been heard. He wasn't even sure that he uttered a sound, it could've easily been swallowed by the darkness.

Rin bowed his head, letting himself cry. "Someone, anyone. Please."

When he looked up again there was small pinpoint of light. He started to use whatever strength he could summon to fight this blackness and stand up. He ignored how cold the blackness suddenly got, and how much the hate burned him. He also decided that he wouldn't dwell on the fact that he was cold and getting burned at the same time.

With each in he stood he felt himself get freer and closer to that pinpoint. But it seemed like the blackness didn't want to let him go, but using every last ounce of strength that he had he broke free and got pulled to the light.

One he emerged on the other side, he realized that he wasn't on the floor which he knew was the last place that he had been conscious. But instead of opening his eyes right away he let himself adjust to the sounds and smell of the place that he was in.

It smelled sterile, and he was sure he heard that sounded like a heart monitor. But his hearing was still fuzzy. Giving it a few minutes, he let his hearing return listening patiently for anything to give him a better idea of what had happened.

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