Chapter 8

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Brookey's prospective

          Peachy gasped and fell to her knees. I cocked my head to the side. What is she thinking..?  "Whats up?" I wondered. Peachy shook her head and opened her mouth, then closed it again. Peachy, I assumed, was speechless. She looked at Alvin then to the wolves, then, slowly, she turned her eyes on me.  "What are you thinking?" I asked, getting frustrated now. Peachy held the letter up then looked at Alvin, both their mouths gaping. I shook my head anger pulsing through me, fists clenched tightly. "Just spit it out, Peachy!" I yelled, Alvin springing back. Peachy held up the envelope. She looked from me to Alvin, and back again. I followed her confused gaze, wondering what was on her mind. She opened her mouth, lips trembling. She was as pale as snow that had freshly fallen to the ground on a cold winter day. But I knew she was to speak now; for she was too scared of my threats. "The letter it, it-" but Peachy was cut off by my sigh. I held out my hand for the letter, Peachy nodding, slowly let it slip out of her grasp. The words were in fine print, green colored, and -by the looks of it- sent by someone very rich. I pealed open the letter to, find in green print,

To whom it may concern...

Alvin you are reading this... and whoever else might be. I want you to bring this letter to the following, Peachy, Brookey, Lexi, Allie, and Stalkey. As you know they saved my wife from a terrible monster who could have destroyed a whole town.- yes i remember that, we all fought bravely- So I have decided to give them a little reward... In the bottom of the envelope, you will find a good amount of money; give to those girls and tell them it was a gift from me. Great thanks to the girls and you Alvin.
- Conner Fuge

      I opened the envelope further to find a check for- "25,000 dollars..." I mumbled to myself. Confused I cocked my head. There must be a mistake... But how? Who else around here have the names of Peachy, Brookey, Allie, Stalkey, and Lexi? I shook my head. Stalkey and Peachy weren't very common names... My mouth gaped as I suddenly took in the fact that we now own $25,000. Peachy had shut her mouth and Alvin was now seated on the ground of the cave. "We better be going," I mumbled, shouldering Peachy. She nodded and we headed to the mouth of the cave. "T-Thank you." Alvin finally piped up. I glanced at Peachy then stared into Alvin's thankful and sorry eyes. "For what?" Me and Peachy said together. Tears rolled down Alvin's pale face. "Y-Ya saved m-me friend, it m-means a lot." He barley got the words out. I nodded then we were gone. As Peachy and I descended down the mountain, I stopped and looked back. My face felt hot and tears gathered in my eyes. "What's up?" Peachy said cheerfully. I whipped my and faced her hardened gaze. "Stalkey will be so disappointed, we've been gone so long..." I managed, holding back tears. Peachy nodded in understanding. "She will be proud, they all will. We, no, you brought back $25,000!" Peachy added, rather reassuringly. I smiled, she was right. I looked into the sunrise. "Beautiful isn't it?" I said, Peachy smiling with me. It really was beautiful. And I can't wait until I see the girls faces. They will be thrilled. And with that I  took off at a run. "Hey wait!" Peachy called behind me. The wind flowed in the wind, yes they will be, indeed, pleased.

Thank you so much for reading! Hope you enjoyed this book. Yes this is the end... But don't worry there will be a sequel! Please read my new story Justice. Hope you guys support me all the way. (I know most people will!).
- Stalkey04

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