Jelousy is never a good thing

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Request by lovlypphenix
A/N I apologize if it isn't the best because face it I am a crappy writer but hey you know what you work with what you have.

"Good luck honey." I replied to Elvis. " Thank ya honey." He replied. He went out to the stage, I laughed as I heard all the girls screaming his name and some just screaming. Anyway normally I would be back stage waiting for him to get done, but because I am rebellious, and didn't want to listen to Elvis, I decided to go out to the area the fans were sitting ( I didn't know the word so I am just going to say that but If I think of it later I'll put it in) and stood next to some random guy and I'm not saying that he was ugly because the lord would have struck me down right then and there because that would have been lying. This guy was handsome he could have easily walked out with a girl, and not have to put up a fight not even a little. As I stood by him I noticed something off about him. The way he held himself in his posture changed ever slightly and he looked at each girl here differently, some he would be polite and smile others he would look at like a pice of meat. Like they were nothing but items that would belong to him and he would use them for his purposes. I looked at him disgusted and regretted that I had even chose to watch Elvis from here. I started to walk away from him and before I got away he grabbed my arm and whispered in my ear "leavin so soon darlin." His raspy voice sent chills down my spine and his stubble tickled my jaw area. I forcefully took my arm away from him " I am leaving and please don't touch me again." I said to him. " No can do darlin." He said I felt something go around my waist and pick me up. I wanted to scream so bad but over the screams of the teens it would've been nothing , however it was worth a shot. Before I even opened my mouth I heard someone stop singing and immediately knew it was Elvis never in my life had I been so excited to here him stop singing. Only to realize it was to make the crowd sing along with him. "Oh the stuff I'm going to do to you. " he said in my ear. I whimpered and began crying, screaming for my life. "Help, Help me help me please" I Cried not even realizing that we were outside. I looked around and started to cry even harder. Then all of a sudden I heard a voice and was overwhelmed with joy. "Put her down right now." I heard Red say. Never in my life have I been so happy to here his voice. "Uh how about no." The man said. When I heard that I started to scream and wiggle against his grip and bite at what I could. I bite his hand and he dropped me in the parking lot of the stadium. I crawled over to Red and got on my feet. That's when I knew I was in trouble it wasn't Red's feet I was looking at it Elvis's. I looked up from the ground to see a very angry Elvis looking down at me. I gulped and stood up  he grabbed my arm pulled me to the car " Red take of him." He asked best friend Red nodded and looked at the guy and pulled out a gun. I already knew he was going to shoot him. Elvis whispered in my ear " Just wait until we get home and see what I have in plan for you," he said. I gulped again and prayed it wouldn't be that bad although I knew I would be.

A/N sorry this took so long I sports to do and yeah. So I'll try not to take that long anymore sorry again. 

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