Once there was a girl, Her mother can't take her so she decided to put her to adopt place. When she was about a month she had problem and refuse to eat. The doctor said we have to bury her. But a woman said no.. she can't die Like that. Well the doctor said that only choice , she refuse to eat. So, woman said good bye baby (don't have name yet). Then the doctor bury her.When she was about 2year old and she hasn't die, she live. She trying find help by crying. Then a poor woman heard and trying to find her. But it hot in summer. But she doesn't give until she find her. She was bury by rock. Then she carried her,she was way to skinny. Then she head to doctor. Poor woman said I found her in bury in rock. Then doctor said it emergency... Then the doctor check her. The doctor said she is all healthy but she need foods!!!! So the nurse give foods ( Apple,Stew,Water,Salads). After that she all full. But one most important is EDUCATION!!.
So,They took her to preschool to learn to speak. So far,She hasn't talk. So, The doctor said she who is mother of her. Then poor woman said well I find her under the rock. Well the doctor said do you have any money. But poor woman name Lilana. Lilana said she don't have any money. So the doctor said it ok we could pay it.