chapter 1- it all starts

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Hello and welcome to my mini series. This is more of a side project, so don’t expect me to update too often. Just a word of warning, this book might have terms an slang that might be offensive to some people. I apologise for any offence that’s you readers might take. I am only using the terms and slang to portray the feelings of the time


0200 hrs.

From shore, it seemed like the ship rose from the deep. The sleek conning tower with its 5inch cannons made an impressive site. Suddenly, four sleek, low profile craft were launched from the firing tubes. The craft floated a small distance from the sub in the tide. Twelve man shaped shadows rushed down the deck of the sub before jumping into the water, making their way to the small craft. As soon as they were clear, the sub quickly submerged, the whole operation over in minuets. Three of the shadows boarded each of the four craft. They made their way silently towards the shore. The slender craft made no sound when their keels hit the beech. Instantly, the front man of each of the boats jumped out, leading with either a machine gun or rifle and ran forward around ten meters before dropping to one knee and started panning with their guns, covering the other men who were lifting the boats out of the water, one at the front, on at the back and carrying them up the beach to the caves that lined the shore. They place the four craft in one cave and blocked it up with a single bolder. Once that had been done, the men who had been covering the others jumped up and ran toward the trees and boulders that lined the shore. The rest of the men ran forward and joined the others. Before moving into the forest. In seconds the sea covered all signs the’ ever been there.

0230 hrs.

They moved through the forest like ghosts. There one second, gone the next. The Australian shock troops from SOE, unit Z. as they moved, every flank covered by at least two guns. They all stood at over 6 feet. They all carried a weapon and enough ammo to last. At the front of the unit stood a man around 6 feet, 7inches. He carried the Owen machine carbine, better known as the Owen gun. He had a small beard and brown hair. His piecing emerald green eyes scanned the forest in front of him. He went by the name Robert Franklin, but through his exploits was called by his men ‘Blood and Guts” Franklin. He wore the standard jungle fatigues of the Australian army, with one addition. On his breast pocket, he had stitched a knife shape over his heart. The most noticeable feature of him was a scar running down the right side of his face, going from his hairline to his chin. To his right stood a man with a broad face, with a nose that had been broken on many occasions. This man carried a Lewis light machine gun as if it wade nothing. He had peaceful blue eyes and light blond hair. He wore the same as Franklin, but he had a cross stitched on his shoulder as a sign of his faith. No one knew his past, but all every needed to know was that he was a man that kept to himself. Every one called him ‘Iron Bark’ as he looked like a bull. On the other side, ran a man of Asian complexion. He went by the name Kilo Seng. He carried the standard issue Lee-Enfield rifle with its bayonet on. Across his back he had a samurai sword, also known as a Katana. The defining feature of this mans uniform was the exploding red circle with a katana through it. Every one in the unit thought he was Japanese even tho he had a Chinese name. In the middle of the unit ran the team’s medic, a massive New Zealander called Mike Anderson. He carried a M1 Thompson equipped with a drum mag and a fore grip. Like every one else in the team, he wore the green, standard issue fatigues. He walked with a stoop, testimony to an earlier injury. He was the tallest in the unit, but also the quietist. (This is the highest ranking in the unit so ill add the other people in s I come to it)

0235 hrs.

They came to the first village. The unit crawled forward and looked down on the town from the top of valley. Frank turned to Kilo “pass me the binoculars.” He whispered. Kilo passed him the binoculars and Franklin looked down the valley.

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