~Chat Twenty Three~

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Ethan blushed brightly and bit his bottom lip, "r-really..?" He asked, tilting his head. Mark nodded, "yeah, of course I mean, it honestly took me a week before I could even message you. I was scared, next time you see or talk to Jack thank him, he took my phone and threatened me. He said 'if you don't talk to him I'll do it for you.' And well yeah" Mark laughed.

Ethan blushed more, "Tell me more about this Jack, he seems like an interesting guy" he smiled as Marks face lit up, "Fuck, you'll like him, I mean, not like that. Cause you're mine but still you'll like him. He's a small green Irish man" Mark chuckled, "Yeah, I slept with him, but we weren't gonna let that ruin our friendship, plus, he has a girlfriend, her name is Signe or as you know her 'Wiishuu' its like her little nickname" he purred, "Amy, she loves iced dark roast coffees from Starbucks, and Marzia, or 'MarziaTheCutie' is Felix's girlfriend, they've been together for years. You may know him as 'BrofistPewdss' you see, we all made nicknames for each other. Like Jack started calling me Markimoo, and I called him Jackaboy." Mark sighed happily.

Ethan nodded, honestly he loved hearing Mark talk about his friends, but it also made him kinda jealous, "and you.. You're my loud blue boy" Mark bit his bottom lip, "well, I'm a loud blue boy, everyone calls me that so you'll have to try harder." Ethan laughed.

"Try harder? Ethan, you're fucking loud in bed, and I haven't even fucked you in bed, but fine, you're my kitten, my baby boy, my love, my darling, Ethan you're my whole world, my everything." Mark looked at the smaller male, "I can't imagine a life without you in it and I don't want to." He smiled weakly.

Ethan blushed, "you know, I don't want everyone knowing what we did. I mean I have standards, like Tyler only seen me without a shirt on. I made him sleep on the couch. He had to earn it" he shook his head and looked down, "look, I'm glad I was your first Ethan. I really am and I promise I will never leave your side. You're mine, forever and ever. No one can change that" Mark purred.

"Hey, Marki can I ask you a question?" Ethan asked before rolling his eyes, "and no, that wasn't my question." He giggled. Mark chuckled, "Hey, I was thinking about saying was that your question buuut I wasn't going to mister. Now, what's your question?" Mark asked looking over at the younger male.

"Well, its not really a question, but if tell me more about yourself then I'll sleep with you tonight and by that I mean cuddling and sleeping nothing else." Ethan smiled widely. Mark froze and bit his bottom lip before he nodded and slowly started walking again, his grip on Ethan's hand tightened. "Okay.." He sighed. "I have an older brother and a younger sister, my dad died when I was eighteen, and well my mom always goes away on business trips. Well, I was the parent growing up, I um.. I took care of my sister, you know, I was working at age twelve while my brother was off partying and what not. I mean, I know its not a bad childhood, but I never really got a childhood, hence why I'm like I am now" Mark looked down.

Ethan ran a hand through his blue hair, "Mark, I'm sorry to hear that.. Really.. God I just want to hug and kiss you and hold you and be there.." He walked closer to the older male. Mark smiled at the smaller males words, "I'm so lucky to have you.." He whispered and Ethan laughed lightly, "no no no I'm lucky to have you. You're strong and amazing and you love helping people, and so much more." He smiled softly, "Don't forget, I'm all yours" Mark purred.

I know Mark didn't have that childhood buuuut I was changing it up! Soooo don't hate me! Or do, I don't care X3.

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