Chaos at the Cullen house

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"Ahh!" I screamed out loud. I flung the girl named Nessie off me and heard a cracking noise.

I heard a swooshing sound, and then someone screamed. I recognized that voice from earlier, when the girl bit me. He was the one who ripped her off of me.

"Renesmee!" The male shouted.

"Renesmee?" A girl, the girl who bit me and caused all of this, was here. I felt a flood of anger course through me. Then all thoughts went away as the fire that was coursing through my body somehow got hotter. My body screamed even louder at me, and my voice reacted to it by screaming louder too. I felt my heart beat even faster than it had before. It had been beating like I had been running a marathon.

"Make the pain go away!" I yelled to no one in particular.

"Just shut up you bastard. What did you do to my little Nessie!" I heard the one called Bella say. Then she came into my sight of view. She put her hands on my throat and twisted it in a weird direction. A direction that my neck shouldn't of been able to turn without agonizing pain, but the only pain I felt was the fire in my heart.

"I could kill you before you even start your immortal life. I could kill you so easily right now. Maybe I should, considering we shouldn't even exist and we don't even know you." She snarled, and then it sounded like a growl from a dog at the end.

"Ahh!" I screamed, not liking the way I sounded un-manly.

"It's almost over, just hold on for a second longer." I heard a calm voice say.

My heart took off faster and faster until it eventually just stopped. "What the damn?" I whispered.

I opened my eyes.

"What the damn?" I repeated.

"Watch your language." I heard Bella say. But she almost murmured it.

"How in the world did I just hear you?" I asked her.

"You're a vampire because of me." Bella snapped.

"A... What?"

"A vampire." Another man said. He had an almost snow blond hair.

"Carlisle you shouldn't be so easy on him. Just look at Nessie." Edward snarled.

I then took the chance to look at the one called Nessie. She looked no older than ten years old. She had golden brown hair hung in natural curls that hung to her ankles. Her eyes were the most warm chocolate eyes I could ever imagine. I couldn't believe I could see this information because she had gone completely through the wall. I mean her head should've been completely outside of the wall, if her head was what you should've seen. But as I looked more deeply, I could see the faintest amount of blood. Bella had ran over to Nessie when she had told me I was a fictional character from a fairy tale. Now Bella was pulling Nessie out from the wall.

"C'mon Nessie wake up sweetheart." Bella crooned.

"Mommy? My head really hurts." Nessie said.

I glanced up with my new and improved eyes, and I instantly felt guilty. Nessie's head on the right side was covered in blood. Bella gently put her hand on the side of her head and Nessie flinched and moaned. The smell was so... Delicious smelling I just stopped breathing at all.

"Carlisle?" Bella said, the name coming out as a question instead of a statement.

He walked over to Nessie within a hundredth of a millisecond. But I still managed to watch him. "How did you move that fast?"

"Quit thinking about yourself and care about someone else for a change." Bella snapped at me.

"Bella," It sounded like Carlisle had cautioned Bella.

"Nessie are you okay? Can you talk to me some more?" Bella asked Nessie.

Nessie didn't respond.

"Now look what you've done! You have hurt my baby!!! I should kill you!" Bella yelled.

She ran over to me in less than a hundredth of a millisecond. But somehow I managed to follow my instincts and I jumped off of the small bed I was in. She made a grab for me and I dodged it. By this time, Edward had ran over and grabbed Bella, and a burly guy ran over and grabbed me.

"Hey!" We both yelled at them.

"I wasn't going to hurt her. I was just going to avoid her." I stated simply.

"Ha! I was going to rip you limb from limb!" Bella smirked.

Edward leaned down and whispered something into her ear. She slowly nodded her head and gave me one last glare before sprinting back over to Nessie. She was now awake and kinda talking.

"Baby your going to be okay, okay?" Bella said.

"I'm... Fine mom, really." Nessie told her with a wince as she leaned up on her own.

"Are you okay? I really didn't mean too. Please forgive me! I'm so so so sorry! Did I hurt you?" I asked her with true sincerity, and it was so strong. The only thing I felt was towards that girl. Then my overwhelming emotions turned  

into a calm relaxed state. It's a funny feeling; almost as if they were being forced to relax. I wanted to be concerned, I really did, but I just couldn't.

"Jasper!" Bella hissed.

"You should have felt his emotions, actually I'm glad you can't." One of the other boys said.  

It's then that I noticed two things.

One, eight out of the ten people didn't have heartbeats. The other two had heartbeats, Nessie being one of them. She had a heartbeat faster than the other guy, who had a very buff body. He had a slower heartbeat. I also did not have a heartbeat, which really freaked me out.

Two, I was with ten freaking strangers, one that I kinda knew. That was Nessie. But I was with those strangers, all who looked like they could beat the crap out of me with one punch. And I was in a house where I had no idea where I was.


"Where am I?" I asked them, my teeth grinding together.

"It depends if you know where you were when I... Bit you." Bella said.

"Well yea. A friend dared me to go into the woods." I told her smartly.

"Okay, Bella. You need to cool down. Your emotions are turning from sadness to worries to anger about fifty times a minute." The one called Jasper said.

"And you whoever you are. You need to calm down too." He glared at me.

"Why is everyone so mad at me? I didn't do it on purpose. And what happened to sobbing Bella when she caused me this damn pain? Did I do something to make everyone pissed at me?" I hollered. I started to get furious, but before I could, a strong feeling of calm came over me again.

"Well that girl left when you hurt her baby girl." Bella said more calmly. She didn't sound furious like she did just a second ago, now she said it like a statement.

"Everyone out!" Edward yelled, surprising everyone.

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