Chapter 7

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Early morning finally arrived. I had not budged since last night, Shino still on my lap K.O.-ed. I slowly shook Shino awake and he shot up, like I was going to kill him or something. I giggle and get up and start to get everyone else up.

"Hey, Akamaru." I sing, while going through my bag of mysteries and take out some jerky. "Looky what I have." Akamaru jumps right on me and makes me fall to the ground. "Waaaaiiiiiittt!" I said, teasing him a bit. "Lickies." He barked then licked my face, drenching me in slobber. I laugh and hug him and give the jerky in his mouth.

"Alright!" I said being extra serious. "No more messing around. Let's go." I walk in front of everyone and stood silent. Well until my stomach decided to start talking. I stop in my tracks and all the guys kept walking forward.

"Hey are you alright?" I bet this is what Naruto feels like after training all day and not eating, but I don't think I could eat ten bowls of ramen.

"I'm hungry." I paused. "Like Naruto and ramen hungry."

"Here." Sai came up to me and gave me an energy food pill. I take it, and watch as he walks back up to the front.

"Thanks." I eat it, wait! "Everyone get down!" I yell out and duck. A bunch of kunai then shot down at all of us. I did some hand signs. "Summoning Jutsu!" Genta pops out and flies into the air, I hop up and get on his back. "Fine the bastard who ruined my lunch already."

"Not bastard, but bastards." Genta corrected.

"Whatever." Hand signs again. "Earth style: Wind leaf jutsu." A gust of sharp leaves take down the bastards fast. Then Genta takes me back down to the guys.

"Wait youre a sage?" Kiba saids. Shino by the look of him looked a bit astonished by the giant bug next to me.

"Yep, and this is my big ol' buggy bug Genta." I pet him. "So Shino, now you understand why I know when bugs are around." I giggle.


"Hey Genta, want to give us a ride?"

"Get on."

"D'awe you're the bestest. I love you Genta." I said kissing him, and then all of us hopped on his back...even Akamaru. After about an hour of flying we finally got to Suna.

"Okay so Ketsueki, why didn't you just summon him before? We could have been here yesterday." They guys got off first, I slowly got down off Genta. I feel so exhausted.

"That's because it..." I stumble into someone. "I'm sorry. Summoning takes alot out of me." I look up and counted three, Sai, Kiba, Akamaru. I only counted three because I felt arms wrap around me the second I tripped. I look up, Kankuro? "Sorry Kankuro." I push myself away from him, but then fell to the ground on my knees.

Everyone quickly comes around me worried. The guys lift me up. "Here." Kiba squats down in front of me gesturing a piggy back ride. I get on and hug him around the neck a little tight, but just enough for him to breath. He is very warm. "I'm going to take her to the medical center to get looked at. Everyone else take some time. I already know the reason why you guys are here."

It took only a few minutes to get to the medical center, but it felt like an eternity. They rushed me into one of the rooms, and a girl told me to take off all my clothes while Kiba was in the room.

Kiba, go outside. Ill be fine. I said already in the process of taking off hood. My hair fell past my shoulders down to the bed.

Kiba stared at me in amazement. Uh, yeah. He said and left the room.

I took off all my clothes and they checked me out. I was told to lay down. I did and let the bed take me to other places of comfort I havent felt in a while. The girls hands glowed a green colour and she replenished my chakra.

Sleep, Ill let your friend know youll be here for a while. She said and walked out the room. I dressed and laid back on the bed. I took out my scroll from my small side bag and read over the instructions again. The Kazekage? As in Gaara? Why?

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