Just take a breather

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Sky's P.O.V.


I was walking threw school and being laughed at.

"She's so fat. Look at her" One girl laughed pointing at me, I looked down. Was I really this ugly?

"Hey Gaskarth!"Someone called a turned around and was hit with paper.


"They should've named you Mady so we could call you Mady Fatty!" Some girl and guy laughed. I looked down and ran to the bathroom. I ran into the stall sitting infront of the toulet.  I opend the lid up and took my inger and hsoved it down my throat as far as it would go just to puke it all up. Everything I ever ate. I wanted to puke it all up. I wanted to be skinny. Not this fatty in this fat suit.

"HEY FATTY! YOUR SO UGLY NOT EVEN MAKE UP WOULD LOOK GOOD ON YOU!" Some girl screamed. I started sobbing.

"Hey Sky" A boy said next to me.I was now in the woods. I turned around it was Jesse.

"If you weighed 30 pounds less you may actually  look normal" Jesse said, I felt the tears roll down my cheek.

"Crying won't lose weight. Unless you are crying fat tears." Jesse laughed.

"Shut up." I muttered.

"What? Gonna go cry to your bwother?"He said like a 3 year old.

"He evne thinks your fat! He tells you every morning that your fat and need to cut down on the cupcakes,cupcake" He said. I fell to my knees sobbing.

"Get liposuction. That may actually help you. Oh wait I forgot, not even that could suck your fat out,fatso" Jesse said. The words sunk in like a knife cut throug wood.

"Cry fatty,cry" He whispered in my ear and ran off. I screamed.

~End of Dream~

Alex's P.O.V.

I heard sobbing and my door opening. I moaned and looked at the clock. It was a quater after 2 in the morning.

"Sky?"I whispered. She was sobbing and holding the Mickey Mous that Matt got her.

"Whats up?"I whispered. She fell to her knees sobbing. I jumped out of bed and ran to her side. She was crying,but not maing any noise.

"Sky?"I whispered.

"I want-I want- I want Alex" She said barely understanable.

"I'm right here" She started crying even more.

"Come on. Lets go to bed" I said and put her arm around my neck so her face was on my chest. I couldn't stand the feeling of her crying into me. I put her on the bed and got on the other side of her pulling her closer so she was right on my chest.



"It's okay. I'm here" I said rubbing her back. I didn't know what happened, or what the dreamw as about. But whatever it was or whoever it was was going to pay.


Alex's P.O.V.

I felt like my shirt was a flodded. I opened my eyes and saw Sky sleeping on my pillow. I remembered everything. She came in crying.I slowly stood up and slowly trying not to wake her up. I looked at my shirt. It was completely drenched. I looked like I had been rained on. I sighed and grabbed a new shirt and closed the door carefully and slowly not trying to wake her up I ran downstairs and put on the shirt.

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