Chapter 6: Savior, I Think

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White walls cornered me in when I awoke. I didn’t know how long I was out for, or where I was. There was a large, unmade bed right beside where I was laying. I couldn’t remember what had happened right away, but when I reached for the back of my neck, it all came back to me in a flash. The curtains were open, sun shining inside. When I managed to get up, I looked outside. I was still in the school- but where?

Just as I turned around, I heard water turn off. The shower must have been running. A volt of adrenaline rushed through my veins, knowing that I would soon figure out who had taken me here; how excited I was to thank them for helping me. I was so excited, that I think I might have jumped up and down a little, much like a Chihuahua when receiving a visitor. How happy I was, but that mood soon changed when Kato walked out of the washroom. He was dressed, except for a shirt; his hair dripping wet. His skin shined in the sunlight; but where was the blood? He just looked over at me, and smiled- no teeth, just a nice, friendly smile.

“So, you’re finally awake,” he said as he pulled a cream-colored shirt on, “I was afraid you might have lost too much blood.” he slowly walked over to me. I stepped back and tripped over a shoe.

“Stay back,” I whispered, backing away on the ground, until my back hit the wall.

He looked confused, “Why? I’m not going to hurt you,” he knelt down, gently placing his hand on my shoulder. His touch was no longer cold.

“Then why did you earlier?” I asked, my voice light.

“What are you talking about?” he was even more confused than before, “Why the hell would I ever do something like that?”

“What do you mean?” I whimpered a little. His face suddenly brightened.

“Oh, I haven’t gotten to introduce myself yet,” he smiled, “My name’s Kuai! You must been talking about my brother.” he chuckled slightly. “I wouldn’t hurt you,” he said as he helped me up. I suddenly felt much more comfortable around him.

After he had made the bed, he told me to wait, and then headed over to the counter. I eyed the bed before instinctively sitting down. I still felt quite woozy from what had previously happened, however long ago, and laid down, me head resting on the soft white pillow.  Soon, the sweet smell of hikai tea filled the air, immediately soothing my headache.

Unable to resist the smell, I opened my eyes- yet the first thing I saw, wasn’t him sitting by the fridge, or at the table, no. the first thing I saw, was the most interesting painting; a tree growing up through the floor, of an undisturbed library. ‘what a strange thing,’  I thought as I got up from the bed. He looked at me, smiled again, and motioned his hand to come towards him. My feet started walking, almost as if being pulled over by his graceful, pale fingertips.

Immediately sitting down the very moment I got to the table, a cup; not a very large one, just a tiny glass, stared up at me. I looked up, Kuai slowly pushing the sweet warm drink forward- up to me.

“So…” he cleared his throat.

“So…” I repeated back. What an awkward way to start a conversation.

“You were out for quite a while,” he stated, staying clam, “Nearly two days, actually.” he smiled- kind, subtle, you could barely notice it was even there.

“Really? It’s really been that long?” I was startled, and it easily showed in my voice. He nodded with a quiet sound of agreement escaping his throat, but not quite past his lips. I looked down at the tea sitting before me, “Wow…”

‘’You were banged up pretty badly when I found you; all bloody. It was quite a mess, really.” He chuckled slightly, “You were very difficult to clean up, if you know what I mean.”

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