Don't Move or I'll Shoot

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    My sister. I let out a small scream.

I stretched out my hand. My hand shook in shock. I remembered we had been walking home when this, whatever it was, happened. I set my fingers on her skin. There were goose bumps but she was still half warm. I felt a pulse. It was ever so slight but it was there. I ripped the i-v  out of her arm. I shook her out of the depths of  unconsciousness.  She was a little groggy, but she recognized me. I hugged her, then

reality came crashing down on me. I held her in front of me at arms length.

     "We have to get out of here." I whispered urgently.

   Her eyes widened as she came back into reality from her unconscious trance. She nodded with agreement. We started our way to the door on the other side of the room. We stood to the side of the door and peered out. Clear. No one was in the hall. The hallway walls were also cement but there were weird paintings on the walls. The painting were of a child. The same child, a dark haired, dark eyed boy. There was a lady in the back ground. A tall, blond, thin lady, I assumed to be the boys mother.

     More screams rang out.  We both picked up our pace.

     At every corner we stopped and only stuck our heads only far enough in the hallway to see if someone was coming. My heart was beating fast and my palms were sweating greatly. I looked to my left to see my sister wide eyed with fear. She had fully come out of her trance. Her lips quivered as if she was going to cry.

     "We have to be strong" I said, my own voice shaky.

      She playfully hit my arm and said,"I am the big sister, shouldn't I be saying that." I was surprised at her sure voice. She had always been tough. Then it occurred to me, what ever was in the i-v bag could have made her muscles twitch. 

    I was to nervous and down right scared to laugh. We continued to make out way though the concrete maze. Every once in a while screams would ring out and we would pick up our pace. We were going faster and being less careful.

    Our feet thumped down the halls, echoing through the maze.  We turned the corner and froze. A man was standing there. A tall man. The man was a thin man with a full head of dark brown hair. His eyes were strangely familiar. They were large, and dark brown. We froze in complete terror. At that second, he lifted his gun.

    In a gruff voice he said, "Don't move or I'll shoot.

    Fear was my new pulse. My blood raced threatening to shoot out of my finger tips. Horror was my world. We either didn't move because he had told us not to, or because we were frozen in fear. I could not tell which it was. All I know is we did. We stood like deer in headlights, not aware he was danger, unaware he meant the end of our life.

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