I Knew

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     Screams rang out into the crisp

night air. The night sky was illuminated with brilliant balls of gas, millions of miles away.  Fear ran through my blood. What was happening, and the main question that ran through my head, WHERE AM I.

    Blood cover the dull cement floor. Operating tables were covered with bodies. This was defiantly not a hospital. The last thing I remember was a screech of tires and a flash of darkness.

    Red eyed rats licked up the sticky blood of the pale fingertips of the corpses. Not a single body so much as twitched.

    I couldn't help but wonder if I was the only one alive, and how much longer would I be.

    Someone had to be alive because I had heared screams. I thought deeply of something I could do to escape from this dark place. I was tied to a pole close to the operating tables, with no shoes and a ripped shirt. I was glad the rest of my close were fine. Only my hand were tied with twine. I could see a sharp scalpel on a tray, on the closed operating table, with various tools covered in a dark red substance. (Probably not koo-laid.) I could knock it onto the floor with my foot and scoot it to my hands.  I stretched my sore body as far as I could. My bare foot almost to the sharp tool. I tried to keep my wondering brain of the fact that these tools were probably used to torture a pour soul. I finally stretched my body far enough to knock the scalpel onto the floor. I moved my foot in a way it should not ever bend. Pain shot up my leg in vigorous intervals, but I was desperate.  I maneuvered the scalpel to my fingers. I gripped the scalpel my new best friend. I wiggled and cut. I slipped and cut a small slice of my for arm off. This was a wake up call. I had to be more careful. Pain shook though my arm like the adrenalin in my veins. The adrenalin masked the pain. With one final cut I was free.

    I stood my legs shaky threatening to collapse. I stretched my back and neck hoping to lessen their stiffness. As my eyes focused on the corpses I was struck with fear. They were connected to i-v bags containing a strangly yellow substance. They were strangely like me. The were all blond girls, about 17.

    My name is Kandise Balo. I am 17 and blond as you already know.  I am not a girly girl. I love to play softball and football. I am good at sports, but those are the only two I play because all the girls I go to school with are snob except a few. My best friend shall stay unnamed so she is safe, but I will refer to her as Casey Rivera. She is not a girly girl at all. That's why I like her. She has purple hair at the time, but that could change at any time. She never wears pink, dresses, skirts, or makeup.

    I stood in shock. I stood on the cold, rough cement, which made me remember I was shoe less. I stared among the blue faces. I walked to the nearest one and slowly slid off her shoes. I whispered sorry as I shoved my foot in the tennis-shoe. They were a little large but at that point I didn't give it a second thought. There were about  20 bodies in the room.  I started to trot out of this dark dungeon then  stopped in my tracks. I knew I might not have much time to get free but I walked through the bodies checking for a pulses. As I felt their cold skin I wondered who they were. I guess it didnt matter now. I walked up to one operation table, this one I knew. 

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